It’s these kinds of encouraging results that keep Snook going, even after more than two decades in the lab. Snook joined Jefferson in 2001 to work on developing vaccines for certain types of cancer; he completed his PhD six years later.
“Some people like to find a new thing; they get bored on one thing for too long. But I really like to be able to take one project and see it through to the end,” he says, noting that his lab has been working on CAR-T cell research for almost a decade. He has also continued the work on a cancer vaccine that he started 23 years ago.
The most recent trial of the cancer vaccine targets colon, pancreas, gastric, and esophageal cancers. Approximately 50 patients have been vaccinated over a period of four years in a phase 2 clinical trial.
“We’ve already seen immune responses in our very first trial with the first version of our vaccine, and we are working toward our next clinical trial—a combination of vaccines that combines the first one with a second,” Snook says.
Snook believes that a vaccine for GI cancers is not too far in the future, noting that “recent studies have produced promising clinical responses with an mRNA vaccine for pancreatic cancer, as well as hopeful results from a trial combining a cancer vaccine with an immune checkpoint blocking drug for melanoma.”
But as always, more research is needed, and funding is critical in all areas of working toward developing therapies in the battle against cancer.
“This Kleberg Foundation grant is huge for us, and now will allow us to really devote a lot more resources to the project overall and hopefully be able to accelerate our pace of development,” he says.
Snook says that grants and funding from private and foundation donors are vital to the success of his—and all—research. Over the past three decades, federal grant money has been increasingly difficult to obtain, so the emphasis has been on smaller pilot grants, grateful patient generosity, and foundations to keep the overall research moving forward.
With enough funding and enough research, Snook believes curing cancer in our lifetime is possible.
“We have made fantastic progress overall in the treatment of cancer. Things like childhood cancers went from 80 percent fatal to 80 percent curable over the last 50 or 60 years,” he says. “And about five years ago we actually started to see a decline in cancer death rates, mostly due to improvements in lung cancer treatment with immunotherapy. We’re making big progress in some areas and slower progress in others, but overall, we keep making advances and improving patient outcomes.” And those advances will spur his lab on to continue its work until all of the pieces of the puzzle are together and cancer is cured.