JCLS Alumni Awards


Nominations Now Open
Learn more throughout this page about nomination information to be considered for JCLS Alumni Association Awards. 

Nomination Instructions

Complete the nomination form with information on the nominee, a letter of nomination detailing their qualifications, and submit the nominee's résumé or CV.

Nominations and supporting materials may also be submitted to alumni@jefferson.edu or by mail to:

Office of Alumni Relations
Attn: JCLS Alumni Awards
Thomas Jefferson University
Pinizzotto-Ammon Alumni Center
1020 Locust Street, Suite 210
Philadelphia, PA 19107


Department: Office of Alumni Relations
Contact Number(s):

Frequently Asked Questions

Any graduate of programs currently or formerly housed in the Jefferson College of Life Sciences, including undergradaute, post-baccalaureate, graduate, and post-doctoral alumni from Jefferson, Textile, and Philadelphia University may be nominated for consideration by the JCLS Alumni Association's Alumni Awards Committee.

Click here for a list of academic programs currently housed within the College.

All members of the Jefferson community, including alumni, faculty, staff, students, and trainees are invited to nominate exceptional alumni for consideration by the JCLS Alumni Association's Alumni Awards Committee.

Nominations of qualified and exceptional alumni may be submitted for consideration by the JCLS Alumni Association's Awards Committee online, by email, or by mail by the posted submission deadline. Nominations must include a letter of nomination detailing the nominee's qualifications and a current résumé or curriculum vitae (CV).

Click here to submit a nomination online.

Nominations and supporting materials may also be submitted by email to alumni@jefferson.edu or by mail to:

Jefferson Office of Alumni Relations
Attn: JCLS Alumni Awards
Pinizzotto-Ammon Alumni Center
1020 Locust Street, Suite 210
Philadelphia, PA 19107

Nominations must include a letter of nomination detailing the nominee's qualifications and a current résumé or curriculum vitae (CV). Nominators are welcome to submit additional supporting materials that demontrate the nominee's qualifications for the award by the posted submission deadline. 

Supplemental materials may be submitted at the time of nomination or sent by email to alumni@jefferson.edu or by mail to:

Jefferson Office of Alumni Relations
Attn: JCLS Alumni Awards
Pinizzotto-Ammon Alumni Center
1020 Locust Street, Suite 210
Philadelphia, PA 19107

Yes, qualified alumni may submit a self-nomination following the posted nomination instructions and associated deadlines. It is highly encouraged that self-nominations include a letter(s) of support or supplemntal articles, awards, or other supporting documentation in addition to the required letter of nomination and current résumé or curriculum vitae (CV).

Alumni Award nominations are accepted year-round. To be considered in the current academic year, submissions must be recieved by the deadline posted on the JCLS Alumni Awards webpage.

For additional questions, please contact the Office of Alumni Relations at alumni@jefferson.edu or 215-955-7750.