Commencement 2022

Celebrating the Class of 2022 Commencement Stories

Take a closer look at our ceremonies through photos, video replays and the stories below:

2022 Event Photos

    To view a selection of images available for purchase, see the links below in the "Student, Parent & Family Resources" section.

    2022 Event Details

    Thursday, May 12, 2022 (Ceremonies 1 & 2)


    10:00 AM Location: Convention Center / Terrace Ballroom  
    (Ceremony 1) Jefferson College of Architecture and the Built Environment (Undergraduate / All programs)
      Jefferson College of Health Professions (Undergraduate / EF HLTS)
      Jefferson College of Humanities & Sciences (Undergraduate / All programs)
      Jefferson College of Life Sciences (Undergraduate / All programs)
      Jefferson School of Continuing & Professional Studies (Undergraduate / All programs)
      Kanbar College of Design, Engineering and Commerce (Undergraduate / All programs)
    2:30 PM Location: Convention Center / Terrace Ballroom  
    (Ceremony 2) Jefferson College of Health Professions (CC Undergraduate & All Graduate / MLSB, MIRS)
      Jefferson College of Population Health (Graduate / All)
      Jefferson School of Continuing & Professional Studies (Graduate / All)


    Friday, May 13, 2022

    10:30 AM Location: Convention Center / Terrace Ballroom  
    (Ceremony 3)
    Jefferson College of Nursing (Undergraduate & Graduate / All programs)


    Wednesday, May 25, 2022 (Ceremonies 4 & 5)

    10:00 AM Location: Kimmel Center / Verizon Hall  
    (Ceremony 4) Jefferson College of Life Sciences (Graduate / All programs)
    Video Replay Sidney Kimmel Medical College (Graduate / All programs)
    2:30 PM Location: Kimmel Center / Verizon Hall  
    (Ceremony 5) Jefferson College of Architecture and the Built Environment (Graduate / All programs)
    Video Replay Jefferson College of Pharmacy (Graduate / All programs)
      Jefferson College of Rehabilitation Sciences (Graduate / All programs)
      Kanbar College of Design, Engineering and Commerce (Graduate / All programs)


    The COVID-19 policies in place for commencement have been updated. Please carefully review the new requirements below and disregard all previous communications.

    Masks must be worn at all times.

    Students, faculty and staff attending the ceremony must show ONE of these:

    1. A vaccination card or a photo of your vaccination card and photo ID upon entrance to the event. You must have your second COVID-19 vaccine dose at least 14 days before the event. 
    2. A negative COVID-19 test result taken within 72 hours of the event at a doctor’s office, pharmacy or testing site. The test result must be official documentation that includes your name from a doctor’s office, pharmacy, or testing site. At home tests including those provided by Jefferson will NOT be accepted.

    If you do not have one of these two things, you will not be allowed entry into the event. No exceptions will be made.

    Guests attending the ceremony:

    1. Vaccinated guests over the age of five years and three months must provide proof of full vaccination for entry.

      a. Attendees must receive their second COVID-19 vaccine dose at least 14 days before the event.

      b. A vaccination card or a photo of your vaccination card upon entrance to the event.

      c. Adults 18+ will be required to show photo ID along with their proof of full vaccination.
    2. Unvaccinated guests over the age of five years and three months must provide negative COVID-19 test result taken within 72 hours of the event at a doctor’s office, pharmacy or testing site. The test result must be official documentation that includes their name from a doctor’s office, pharmacy, or testing site. This applies to all guests.
    3. Unvaccinated and partially vaccinated children under the age of five years and three months must be accompanied either by a fully vaccinated adult or an adult with a negative COVID-19 test result, as outlined above.

    If guests do not follow the guidelines listed above, they will not be allowed entry into the event. No exceptions will be made.

    We know how important this milestone celebration is for you and your loved ones. Please let us know if you need additional information to proceed as outlined above that will allow you to be part of this special ceremony.

    #JeffersonGrad2022 Signs

    Visit our Office of Institutional Advancement's site to choose from a selection of 18″ by 24″ lawn signs — then download any (or all) of them!

    And don't forget to share your pictures with us. Tag them with #JeffersonGrad2022

    Student, Parent & Family Resources

    East Falls, Vorhees, Bucks County, and JIB Students:

    East Falls graduates will be reviewed for awarding at the conclusion of the semester (May-June for spring graduates; August-September for summer graduates). This provides time for instructors to submit final grades, and for each potential graduate’s degree audit to be reviewed for completion.

    This means you should receive your Thomas Jefferson University diploma 8-10 weeks after the conclusion of the semester in which you will complete your degree requirements. Should you have any questions, please contact for assistance.

    Center City and Abington Students:

    Any students attending the May Commencement Ceremonies whose degree is being conferred in May 2022 will be able to receive their diploma after the ceremony is over in the Student Holding Room – Hall G. Please be prepared with your student ID in order to get your diploma.

    You may request your diploma to be reprinted if you need a replacement. Please note: if you graduated from Thomas Jefferson University – East Falls prior to Summer 2017, you are only eligible to receive a diploma reprint from “Philadelphia University.”

    In order to request a reprint of your diploma, we require a notarized letter with the information below. Please note: email requests for diploma reprints will not be accepted.

    1. Your name as you would like it printed on the diploma
    2. The reason why you need a diploma reprint
      • Please note for PhD, MD, or Master’s diplomas (Center City graduates) the University will only reprint your diploma if it was damaged. The damaged diploma will need to be returned to the University prior to a new one being issued.
    3. Your Social Security number
    4. The month and year of your graduation
    5. The degree that you were awarded and the program you completed
    6. The address where you would like the diploma sent (please note: diplomas cannot be mailed to P.O. Boxes)
    7. Current phone number
    8. Current email address

    Along with the notarized letter, send checks payable to the Registrar’s Office. All forms of checks are acceptable. Mail both the notarized letter and the check to the Registrar’s Office corresponding to the campus you attended.


    • Associate’s or Bachelor’s diplomas—$50
    • PhD, MD, or Master’s diplomas—$90

    Processing Time

    • Associate’s or Bachelor’s diplomas—may take up to three weeks
    • PhD, MD, or Master’s diplomas—may take six to nine weeks, because an outside vendor is contracted by the University to reprint these diplomas.

    To assure continuity among campuses, all full-time undergraduate students who meet the following grade-point-average (GPA) threshold below shall receive Latin Honors* upon graduation in recognition of their achievement:

    • Cum Laude: 3.50 - 3.64
    • Magna Cum Laude: 3.65 - 3.79
    • Summa Cum Laude: 3.80 or above

    SPECIAL NOTICE: To graduate with honors, the student must complete a minimum of 60 credits in a bachelor's degree program or 30 credits in an associate degree program at Thomas Jefferson University (School of Continuing and Professional Studies students must complete a minimum of 33 credits in a bachelor's degree program or 20 credits in an associate degree program), earn at least 50% of these credits in graded courses (non-Pass/Fail), and achieve a cumulative grade point average as listed above. The GPA is calculated on grades earned in Jefferson courses only. Transfer courses are not included.

    Honors are based on the cumulative GPA from Fall for undergraduate students completing their degree in May and August of the following year. Honors reflected on students’ transcripts and diplomas will be based on the actual cumulative GPA at the time of degree completion.

    Moving content from your Jefferson student O365 Account to a personal Microsoft Outlook account:

    1. Establish a new personal Microsoft Outlook account (unless you already have one) at:
      New Personal Microsoft Outlook Account
    2. Use the following guide to export your Jefferson O365 student account content to an Outlook .pst file.
      Note—you must use the full Outlook client to create and export the .pst file:
      Export or backup email, contacts, and calendar to an Outlook .pst file - Microsoft Support
    3. Import the Outlook .pst file into your new personal Microsoft Outlook.
      Note—you must use the full Outlook client to import the .pst file
      Import email, contacts, and calendar from an Outlook .pst file - Microsoft Support