Mrs. Dorrance H. Hamilton sets the pace of groundbreaking ceremony with left, James H. Keen, PhD, Dean, Jefferson Graduate College of Biomedical Sciences (now JCLS), Brian Harrison, Chair, Board of Trustees, Robert L. Barchi, MD, PhD, University President, Thomas J. Nasca, MD, Dean, Jefferson Medical College, and James B. Erdmann, PhD, Dean, Jefferson College of Health Professions.

Dorrance H. Hamilton Building
Thomas Jefferson University
1020 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Contact Number(s):
Hamilton Groundbreaking
Jefferson University President Robert L. Barchi, MD, PhD and Dorrance H. Hamilton (second from right) with bachelor of science nursing students Celina Flament, Esther Pinkston and Sharetta Johnson.
Brian Harrison, Chair, Board of Trustees, Dorrance H. Hamilton, and University President, Robert L. Barchi, MD, PhD.