City of Philadelphia Employee: As a Philadelphia city employee, both you and your spouse or partner are eligible to receive a 25% discounted tuition rate in Jefferson's Accelerated Bachelor of Science Degree Program.
Philadelphia Carpenters JAC Graduates of the Philadelphia Carpenters JAC receives a 25% tuition discount and transfer 48 credits toward Jefferson's Accelerated Bachelor of Science Degree Program.
The Alliance: Employees of members of The Alliance of Community Service Providers receive a 25% tuition discount toward Jefferson's Accelerated Bachelor of Science Degree Program.
Occupational Therapy Assistant Studies Graduates: Graduates of Jefferson’s OTA program receives a 20% discount to the bachelor’s degree program if they enroll within three years of graduating from the OTA program.
Michael T. Sullivan: $2,500 scholarship awarded in the fall to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Science Degree Program. Application and scholarship criteria are available in the SCPS Student Resource Site in Canvas
Alpha Sigma Lambda Scholarship: Scholarships will be made to adult students in continuing higher education based on scholarship, leadership, the clarity and content of their personal statement, strength of recommendation and need. Application information for 2023 will be made available soon.
Employer Tuition Benefits
Does your employer provide tuition benefits? Reach out to your supervisor or HR contact at your place of employment to inquire about tuition benefits.
Jefferson Employee Benefits
The Employee Tuition Assistance Program at Jefferson is managed by International Scholarship and Tuition Services (ISTS), which offers online applications for internal prepay and external tuition reimbursement without your department approval.
You can access ISTS through, using your campus key and password. For questions about the tuition process, please email or by phone at 1-866-820-2310. If you need immediate assistance, please contact Karen Fitzgerald, Director of the Employee Tuition Assistance Program, at 215-710-3712 or by email at
JeffSecure Emergency Fund
The JeffSecure emergency fund is intended to provide matriculated Jefferson students with short-term financial assistance in the event of unforeseen and unavoidable emergency expenses.
Submit an Application