This online, part-time track is for students who are Medical Lab Technicians with an associate's degree seeking a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Medical Laboratory Science. Students enter Thomas Jefferson University for upper-division study with up to 80 prerequisite credits, including work experience, and must be employed in a medical laboratory technician position.
Learn about the classes and schedule options available for completing your degree.
Teaching Assistant Professor Email Michael Amato 215-503-3491
Clinical Professor, Pathology, Anatomy and Cell Biology, SKMC
Chair and Professor, Medical Laboratory Sciences & Biotechnology, JCHP
Director, Point of Care and Quality Management Email Barbara M. Goldsmith 215-503-8187 -
Director, Academic & Corporate Initiatives
Teaching Assistant Professor Email Joy Gould 215-503-3262 -
Assistant Professor
Program Director, Medical Laboratory Science Email Valerie Jalicke 215-503-2792