The MS in Midwife Completion program allows the practicing midwife, Board Certified by the AMCB to validate and expand the professional competencies and skills needed for today’s health care environment. We make it convenient to earn your graduate degree. The MS completion program also allows students who are completing their basic midwifery education in an academic medical center, to earn an MS through Jefferson.
Our midwifery education program was designed from the beginning as a distance-learning program that would value — and build upon — your previous midwifery education and practice. Successful students of distance-learning programs are self-motivated and disciplined.
State-of-the-art communication technology, coupled with the professional expertise of an accomplished and caring faculty, will maximize your individual educational experience. Best of all, you’ll remain in your own community as you work toward earning your master’s degree by completing one or two courses a term for just three to four terms.
The program requires extensive reading of primary source materials in journals. Our library is accessible remotely by students. Students use the written word to express themselves electronically in discussions in the virtual seminar room, in communicating through emails, and in the preparation of learning activities. Students are expected to demonstrate their ability to think and write critically.
Instructions are provided through an online orientation that facilitates faculty/student discussion and communication. Students submit learning activities electronically. Readings and frequent interaction with faculty and classmates complement the electronic courses. Experienced faculty members will work closely with you and are accessible by e-mail or telephone.
If you have further questions about the program, please contact an admissions representative at 215-951-2800 or email