First CHW PLUS Certificate Ceremony with Special Guest Speaker

Program Director, Dr. Stillman, Student Sharon Tyson, and Steve Korman

On June 29th, 2017,  we celebrated the first graduates of the Community Health Worker PLUS program offered by the Steven H. Korman Center for Community Engagement at Jefferson’s Institute of Emerging Health Professions. Our graduates are both certified peer specialists as well as community health workers, giving them a competitive edge when seeking employment. Graduates of this program were trained on how to build individual and community health knowledge. This will improve the quality and cultural competence of needed health services through outreach, community education, social support, advocacy, and care counseling.

The ceremony featured speakers from our graduating class, Steve Korman, Program Director,  Dr. Paula Stillman, and our special guest Former PA Governor, Ed Rendell.

CHW PLUS graduates with Program Director, Dr. Stillman and Former PA Governor, Ed Rendell