Michael McCauley, MS

Adjunct Faculty

Contact Information

Michael McCauley, MS

Adjunct Faculty


MS, Biotechnology, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, 2010
BS, Biotechnology, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, 2009


Research Interest

  • Protein and peptide chemistry
  • Bioconjugation
  • Targeted therapeutics


Michael McCauley has been an active scientific researcher and educator since he graduated with his master’s degree from Thomas Jefferson University in 2010. His early research focused on the intricate structure and chemical interactions of proteins and their roles in various pathologies. His current work is for a pharmaceutical discovery lab where he investigates enzymatic and chemical bioconjugation techniques with the goal of producing novel therapies to precisely target specific cells or tissues. Ultimately, the goal of this work is to move toward more effective treatments while minimizing toxic side effects. Michael has authored or co-authored several publications including peer-reviewed works and patents based off his research efforts. In addition to research, Michael has worked as an educator teaching undergraduate lab and lecture courses in chemistry, biochemistry, and anatomy. He also regularly volunteers for local elementary and high schools to speak about general science and scientific careers.