Meet Our Law & Society Student: Jared Floryshak

Meet Our Law & Society Student: Jared Floryshak

Why did you choose Jefferson?
The Law and Society program is second to none in its field. It’s not your traditional “Pre-Law,” Political Science, or Criminal Justice, it's really an effective combination of all of those majors. It’s a small program with a great curriculum and great resources. The East Falls campus is also a great community and was the perfect size for me.

Where are you from originally?
Scranton, Pennsylvania

What is the best part of your studies?
Being able to have a close relationship with my program director/advisor who is a retired lawyer. He is always available when I need him whether it’s a question about classwork or about my future as a whole. He’s a great role model and I want to end up like him one day!

Tell us about a recent project:
For my Senior Capstone in Public Policy Advocacy, I was tasked with going into the real world and advocating for something I believe in. I have a background in the fire service, so I decided to advocate for fallen firefighters, something I hold close to my heart. I have partnered with Fireman's Hall Museum here in Philadelphia to honor fallen firefighters at their museum. The museum already has a "Wall of Fallen Firefighters" where the name of every Philadelphia firefighter that has died in the line of duty is placed. I chose to expand on this memorial. I am fundraising for a "kiosk" display to be placed in front of the Wall of Fallen Firefighters. The kiosk would include a database where a visitor to the museum can search or click any name that's on the wall and find out more information about that person such as their career details, their picture, what happened to them, etc. While the fundraising is going on, I will be digitizing almost 300 type-written files that tell the stories of these line of duty deaths all the way back to the 1800s.

What’s something people would be surprised to find out about you?
I play guitar and I’m a volunteer firefighter!