Savannah is a junior in the Law & Society program, and currently the student coordinator of the Roxboro House Roundtables series.
What are you studying at Jefferson?
Law & Society.
Why did you choose Jefferson?
The Law & Society program brought me here. I met Professor Laine during an open house, and he talked about the curriculum, along with how important it is to learn the law and stay updated on current world issues.
Where are you from originally?
Laurel Springs, New Jersey.
What is the best part of your studies?
Broadening my horizons about current world issues and realizing that there is no right answer that can satisfy everyone.
What’s something people would be surprised to find out about you?
I love to draw and paint! I have done oil, acrylic and watercolor paintings, along with simple drawings in a sketchbook with colored pencils. Recently, I’ve been drawing more digitally on my iPad.
Tell us about a program you’re working on:
The Roxboro House Roundtables is a podcast created by the Law & Society program. Since I am the student coordinator, I work closely with Professor Laine every week to plan, organize, edit, and post our Roundtable sessions. We talk about topics such as law, politics, art, history, science, or anything else our host wants to talk about! Our sessions are usually held on Thursday’s from 12:30 -1:30 pm with an open discussion setting. We also post on our YouTube and SoundCloud channels.
One of my favorite Roundtables was “Let’s Bloody Talk (again!)” hosted by Dr. Niny Rao and Dr. Hannah Schapiro, where we talked about women’s menstrual cycles and how it’s become a taboo topic in our society.
Another session that resonated with me was our Electoral College discussion, hosted by Professor Evan Laine and Associate Director of Career Services Patrick Ryan. I love when we have educational Roundtables such as this one; a lot of people know about the electoral college, but we don’t really know how it works. Having this session brought awareness to this important term so we know exactly how our votes are affected.
I’ve recently been working towards improving the Roxboro House Roundtables. So far, we are almost booked for the semester, we changed our logo, and we have upgraded to new equipment such as mics and a control board. As we progress into the semester, I’m hoping to bring more awareness about the Roundtables and have a larger crowd for our sessions!