PhD, History and Sociology of Science, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA - 1987
MA, History and Sociology of Science, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA - 1981
Barbara Kimmelman
Dean, College of Humanities & Sciences
Professor of History
Contact Information

Search Hall 310
East Falls Campus
Philadelphia, PA 19144
215-951-6812 fax
Dean, College of Humanities & Sciences
Professor of History
Areas of Focus
History of American genetics; History of agricultural science and plant breeding in relation to genetics; History of evolutionary theory; History of plant exploration and introduction
Academic & Research Interests
Dr. Kimmelman’s research examines the crucial role of agricultural scientists, especially plant breeders and plant explorers, in the post-1900 rise of academic genetics, and specifically the institutionalization of genetics at agricultural colleges and experiment stations within the United States. A more recent project uses the life and work of agricultural scientist and USDA administrator David Fairchild as a lens through which to examine the seed and plant introduction practices that enabled the diversification and “tropicalization” of U.S. agriculture during the twentieth century.