PhD, History, University of Michigan (1994)
MA, Russian and East European Studies, University of Michigan (1989)
BA, International Studies, Emory University (1985)
Tom Schrand, PhD
Associate Dean for General Education & Professor of History
Contact Information
Associate Dean for General Education & Professor of History
Featured Publications
- Utopianism and the equity path to sustainability, Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, Vol. 10, Issue 4, December 2020.
- Reflecting on Reflections: Curating ePortfolios for Integrative Learning and Identity Development in a General Education Senior Capstone. International Journal of ePortfolios. Vol. 8, No. 1, 2018. (with Valerie Hanson and Katharine Jones)
- Design Thinking as a Strategy for Consensus in General Education Reform, Peer Review, Summer 2016, Vol. 8, No. 3.
- Specialization Clusters as a Design for Sustainability Education: A Flexible Approach to Preparing Undergraduates for Evolving and Diversifying Fields of Practice, Sustainability: The Journal of Record, Vol. 9, No. 4, August 2016: 185-192 (co-author: Chad White).
- Feedback practices and signature pedagogies: what can the liberal arts learn from the design critique? Teaching in Higher Education, 2011 (co-author: John Eliason).
- Exploring Response Cultures in the World of WAC, The WAC Journal, Vol. 21, November 2010 (co-author: John Eliason).
- (Book review) Sergei Zhuravlev and Mikhail Mukhin, “Krepost’ sotsializma”: Povsednevnost’ i motivatsiia truda na sovetskom predpriiatii, 1928-1938 (“Fortress of socialism”: Everyday life and worker motivation in the Soviet factory, 1928-1938), in Slavic Review, vol. 65, no. 2 (Summer 2006).
- The Obshchestvennitsa Movement, in Encyclopedia of the Russian Women's Movement, Norma Noonan and Carol Nechemia, editors. Greenwood Press, 2003 (co-author: Rebecca Balmas-Neary).
- Socialism in One Gender: Masculine Values in the Stalin Revolution,"in Russian Masculinities in History and Culture, Barbara Evans Clements, Rebecca Friedman and Dan Healey, editors. Palgrave, 2002.
- Soviet ‘Civic-Minded Women’ in the 1930's: Class, Gender, and Industrialization in a Socialist Society, Journal of Women's History, vol. 11, no. 3, Autumn 1999.
- The Five-Year Plan for Women’s Labor: Constructing Socialism and the ‘Double Burden,’ 1930-1932, Europe-Asia Studies, vol. 51, no. 8, December 1999.
- True Mistresses of Their Homes: Rehabilitating the Housewife for Soviet Civil Defense, Soviet and Post-Soviet Review, 25, No. 1 (1998).
- Authority and Catechesis: Narrative and Knowledge in Ulysses, James Joyce Quarterly, 28 (1), 1990, pp. 209-220.
Lindback Award for Teaching, Philadelphia University, 2004
President’s Distinguished Teaching Award, Philadelphia University, 2001
Research Interests
My research interests have evolved over the course of my career, moving from industrialization and the gender divisions of labor in the Stalin-era Soviet Union, to pedagogical research on peer review practices and curriculum development, to my current work on the role of equity and utopianism in sustainability thinking.
Focus Areas
Curriculum development, sustainability education, sustainability, equity, sustainability theory, utopian thought, gender history, labor history, pedagogy, general education, electronic portfolios, active learning