Rhetoric in multimedia discourses, language as reality-construction
Seth Steinbacher
Assistant Professor of Writing and Rhetoric
Assistant Professor of Writing and Rhetoric
Focus Areas
MA, Creative Writing, Temple University (2008)
BA, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA (2005)
Select Publications
- "Gerry the Missionary" Microfiction Monday Magazine, June 2023
https://microfictionmondaymagazine.com/tag/seth-steinbacher/ - “Tuesday Afternoon at the Constitution Center.” Metropolis, Philadelphia, Mar. 2011
- “Untitled.” Sleet Magazine, Mar. 2010
https://www.sleetmagazine.com/selected/steinbacher.html - “Hooray Regrets!” Xenith magazine, Mar. 2010
Research Interests
Seth is interested in composing multimodally and exploring the consequences of transgressing the traditional boundaries of genre and media. In his teaching, he strives to create an atmosphere in which students feel safe taking chances in their writing. In his own creative work, he mixes crude humor, high art, word, and image.