Samuel Weeks, MA, PhD

Associate Professor of Anthropology

Contact Information


Jefferson - East Fall Campus
4201 Henry Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19144

Email Samuel Weeks

Associate Professor of Anthropology


PhD, University of California, Los Angeles
MA, University of Lisbon 
AB, Colby College


  • Financing White Rule: How Luxembourg Became a Banker for the Belgian Congo and Apartheid South Africa. Finance and Society 10(3):234-250. Read Publication via JDC (2024) 
  • An Anthropologist Goes Offshore, or, Creating an Actor-Network Among Finance Elites. Research in Economic Anthropology 43:63-80. Read Publication via JDC (2024)
  • From Canonical Law to Offshore Finance: Confessing to Priests and Bankers in Luxembourg. Special Issue: ‘Towards an Economic Anthropology of Catholicism, in the Age of Pope Francis.’ Journal of Global Catholicism 8(2):15-42Read Publication via JDC (2024)
  • Channeling the Capital of Others: Why Luxembourg Is Asset Managers' 'Plumber' of Choice. Special Issue: 'Taking Stock of Asset Manager Capitalism.' Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 56(2):627-644. Read Publication via JDC (2024)
  • Langue de bois, or, Discourse in Defense of an Offshore Financial Center. Journal of Language and Politics 20(2):325-344. Read Publication via JDC (2021)
  • Collective Effort, Private Accumulation: Constructing the Luxembourg Investment Fund, 1956-2019. In Accumulating Capital Today: Contemporary Strategies of Profit and Dispossessive Policies. Marlène Benquet and Théo Bourgeron, eds. Pp. 89-103. Oxford: Routledge. PDF (2020)
  • Offshore Ontologies: Global Capital as Substance, Simulation, and the Supernatural. Dialectical Anthropology 44(4):355-371. PDF (2020)
  • A Freeport Comes to Luxembourg, or, Why Those Wishing to Hide Assets Purchase Fine Art. Special Issue: ‘The Contemporary Art Market.’ Arts 9(3):1-15. PDF (2020)
  • A Politics of Peripheries: Deleuze and Guattari as Dependency Theorists. Deleuze and Guattari Studies 13(1):79-103. Read Publication via JDC (2019)
  • Portugal in Ruins: From ‘Europe’ to Crisis and Austerity. Review of Radical Political Economics 50(2):246-264. Read Publication via JDC (2019)
  • Symbolism and Resilience in the Aftermath of a Destructive Volcanic Eruption. Anthropology Now 8(2):57-68. PDF (2016) 
  • Longing for ‘Normal’ Post-Fordism: Cape Verdean Labor-Power on a Lisbon Periphery in Crisis. Anthropology of Work Review 36(1):13-25. PDF (2015) 


  • Faculty Research Completion Grant, Thomas Jefferson University - 2024-25
  • Excellence in Teaching Award, National Society of Leadership and Success - 2021
  • Faculty Research Seed Grant, Thomas Jefferson University - 2019-20
  • Dissertation Year Fellowship, UCLA Graduate Division - 2017-18
  • Fulbright U.S. Student Program Research Grant, Luxembourg - 2015-16
  • Graduate Research Mentorship, UCLA Graduate Division - 2014-15
  • International Studies Fellowship, UCLA International Institute - 2012-14
  • Eric R. Wolf Prize, Society for the Anthropology of Work - 2013
  • Merit Scholarship, University of Lisbon - 2012
  • Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholarship - 2010-11

Research Interests

Dr. Samuel Weeks specializes in economic, political, and legal anthropology, with a focus on finance and banking. He was a visiting researcher at the University of Luxembourg during 2015-16 and an affiliated researcher in the CESSP Laboratory at the Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales in Paris during 2017-18. He is Book Reviews Editor for the journal Exertions, the web publication of the Society for the Anthropology of Work. From 2006 until 2008, Dr. Weeks was a U.S. Peace Corps community development volunteer in Cape Verde.

Focus Areas

Sociocultural Anthropology, Political Economy, Finance, Law, Employment, Popular Culture, Immigration, Urban Ethnography, Europe, Luxembourg, Portugal, France, Cape Verde, Brazil, Lusofonia, West and Southern Africa, Social Theory, Socio-Economic Geography, Intellectual and Political History