Jefferson Center of Immersive Arts for Health
A collaborative platform integrating dynamic and interactive design technologies with user experience to study the impact of immersive art and design on healing and neurodiversity.
The Jefferson Center of Immersive Arts for Health (JCIAH) is a cross-disciplinary group of researchers, clinicians, and designers that formulate questions, design interactions, develop methodologies, and collect data to test the impact of immersive art. A cross-disciplinary curriculum combines arts, technology, science, and medicine for academic purposes, fostering student collaboration to solve complex problems.
Breaking Down the Barriers between Art, Design, & Research
In academics and even professional practice, research and design typically function independently. JCIAH bridges the Jefferson Center City medical campus, the Jefferson East Falls design campus, and leading institutions in the field, fostering collaborations that combine diverse and complex ideas to discover innovative solutions for improving well-being.