The Bachelor of Science in Textile Product Science (TPS) prepares students to work in the exciting global textile industry, ranging from fiber-engineered products for medical, geotextiles, and architecture, fiber-reinforced composites, high performance materials, home furnishing applications and the business of textiles.
The TPS program is comprised of thirteen (13) core textile courses, which delineate all TPS majors. The true interdisciplinary nature of Textile Product Science is realized in the student’s ability to select advanced work in one of three, 9-course specializations: Sports & High Performance Materials, Fashion Management and Commerce. Each of these disciplines takes full advantage of the opportunities presented in the Bruner Materials Characterization Laboratory—a state-of-the-art, fully equipped, textile testing and fitness-for-use lab on campus.
Additionally, each specialization has a track to a designated Master of Science program, for the student who wishes to continue their education into an advanced degree. Sports & High Performance may lead to the MS in Textile Technology program. Students who follow the Fashion Management track may wish to pursue an MS in Fashion Merchandising & Management. The Commerce specialization is a good forerunner to the MBA program. Students who are interested in pursuing a master’s degree are encouraged to discuss these educational opportunities with their academic advisor.
TPS students learn through rigorous theory and practice, researching innovative applications and developing novel solutions to real-world problems. Industry partners extend and expand the educational experience through projects, competitions and internships. BS in Textile Product Science students are fully integrated individuals who possess the technical and social competence and confidence to succeed in professional practice and advanced education, be lifelong learners and exercise responsible stewardship as thought leaders for the global textile industry.
BS in Textile Product Science Program Now STEM Eligible
STEM eligibility allows international students on an F-1 student status to apply for an additional two years of work authorization after an initial 12-month period of Post-completion Optional Practical Training (OPT) in the United States if they meet the required criteria.
For more information about OPT and F-1 student status, please visit the Jefferson Office of International Services website.