Dr. Heather E. McKiernan is an experienced forensic researcher and practitioner with experience in human identification. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Biology from Bucknell University, a Master of Science in Forensic Science from Arcadia University, and a PhD in Cell and Molecular Biology for the University of Denver.
Prior to working in forensics, Dr. McKiernan served as a laboratory technician in biomedical research at the Coriell Institute in Camden, NJ. After completing research through the New Jersey State Police Office of Forensic Sciences Central Laboratory in Ewing, NJ, she began her career at the Center for Forensic Science Research and Education where she initially oversaw research initiatives. After serving as the Director for the Master’s Program at Arcadia University for four years, she returned to the CFSRE as Director, where she is responsible for daily operations; maintains and develops academic partnerships and programs; oversees continuing education and professional development courses for practitioners, law enforcement officers and the legal communities; as well as research initiatives and partnerships in forensic biology.
Dr. McKiernan holds academic appointments at Arcadia University and Thomas Jefferson University. In addition to teaching Dr. McKiernan has been responsible for academic degree development, serving as the architect for undergraduate degree programs in Forensic Biology and Forensic Chemistry, accelerated degree programs in Forensic Biology/Forensic Science (B.A./M.S.F.S.) and Forensic Chemistry/Forensic Science (B.A./M.S.F.S. and B.S./M.S.F.S.), a part time track in forensic science, courses for high school teachers in forensic science, and Professional Science Masters Degrees in Forensic Chemistry, Forensic Toxicology as well as Forensic Biology.
In addition to these appointments, Dr. McKiernan serves as a member of the OSAC Biological Data Interpretation and Reporting Subcommittee and as a private forensic biology consultant. She is currently an NIJ funded research scientist working in the area of forensic proteomics and genetic profiling of challenging sample types. Her research interests include novel approaches to serological identification and improving methods for the collection, detection and interpretation of low template DNA samples. Dr. McKiernan is a member of many professional organizations in forensic science including the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS), the International Society of Forensic Genetics (ISFG) and the Council of Forensic Science Educators (COFSE). In recognition of her contributions to the field, she was elected President of COFSE in 2012.