NIH Summer Genetics Institute 2019 Cohort
Neonatal resuscitation
Genetics and genomics
Maternal outcomes
Maternity care
Labor and delivery care
Neonatal outcomes
Valerie Clary-Muronda, PhD, RNC-OB
Program Director - Traditional, FACT-2 Year, Center City Campus
Assistant Professor
Contact Information

130 South Ninth Street
Edison Building, Suite 762
Philadelphia, PA 19107
215-955-5674 fax
Program Director - Traditional, FACT-2 Year, Center City Campus
Assistant Professor
Research & Clinical Interests
PhD, Medical University of South Carolina (2017)
MSN-Ed, University of Phoenix (2010)
BSN, La Salle University (1994)
RN Diploma, Albert Einstein School of Nursing (1987)
Sensor, C., Branden, P., Clary-Muronda, V., Hawkins, J., Fitzgerald, D., Shimek, A., Al-Itani, D., Madigan, E., & Rosa, W. (2020). Nurses achieving the Sustainable Development Goals: The United Nations and Sigma. American Journal of Nursing, In progress.
Alexander, K., Clary-Muronda, V., Smith JM, Ward, J. (2020). The relationship between past experience, empathy and attitudes towards poverty. Journal of Nursing Education, 59(3), 158-162.
Clary-Muronda, V. & Pope, C. (2016). Integrative review of instruments to measure team performance during neonatal resuscitation simulations in the birthing room. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, 45, 684-698.
Clary-Muronda, V. (2016). The culturally diverse nursing student: A review of the literature. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 27, 400-412.
Certified by NCC: Inpatient Obstetrics
Neonatal Resuscitation Program Instructor
Professional Organizations
Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing
International Society of Nurses in Genetics
Chi Eta Phi Sorority
National Black Nurses Association
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated
(2019-2021) Sigma Theta Tau, Sigma Liaison to the United Nations
(2014- 2016) Sigma Theta Tau, Eta Mu Chapter Research Grant Recipient
(2013) Poster Presentation Judges Choice Award, Virtua Health
(2013) JNESO Schloarship Award Recipient
Clary-Muronda, V. (2019, November). Global Challenges of Neonatal Resuscitation: Collaborating to Examine Commonalities Across Three Different Patient Care settings. Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society International Convention. Washington, DC.
Al-Itani, D., Branden-Sessler, P., Clary-Muronda, V., Fitzgerald, D., Shimek, A., Sensor, C. (2019, November). You, the UN and the Sustainable Development Goals: How Sigma Nurses Can Influence Global Healthcare. Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society International Convention. Washington, DC.
Clary-Muronda, V. (2019, May). Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, Delta Rho Chapter Induction. Thomas Jefferson University College of Nursing. Keynote Speaker.
Clary-Muronda, V. (2019, May). Benefits of Early Childhood Education. Please Touch Museum Early Education Special Event. Oral Presentation. Please Touch Museum, Philadelphia, PA
Clary-Muronda, V. (2018, March). Nurse Perceptions of Facilitators and Barriers to Effective Delivery Room Resuscitations: A Comparison across Settings. Consortium of Universities for Global Health. New York, New York.
Clary-Muronda, V. (2018, October). Addressing the Educational Needs of Future Nurses: Integration of the Concept of Genetics in a Newly Developed Concept-Based Curriculum. Poster Presentation. International Society of Nurses in Genetics Research Congress, Orlando, Florida.
Clary-Muronda, V., McCormick, C., Moore, S. (2018, October). Educating Underrepresented Minority and Economically Disadvantaged High School Students about Nursing as a Profession: The STEP-UP for Nursing Program.Podium Presentation. 44th Annual Conference of the Transcultural Nursing Society, San Antonio, Texas.
Ward, J., Alexander, K., & Clary-Muronda, V. (2018, October). Empathy and Attitudes towards Poverty: A Nurse-Led Poverty Simulation. Poster Presentation. Nurse Led Care Consortium. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Clary-Muronda, V., Borden, C., Barbieri, J., Pavlik, M. (2018, November). Identifying At-Risk Students with Early Interventions: An Overview of an Academic Support Program for Accelerated BSN Students. Podium Presentation. American Association of Colleges of Nursing Baccalaureate Education Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Kates, J., Ward, J., Hanson-Zalot, M., Smith, J., & Clary-Muronda, V. (2018, April). Refusing to let the dust settle: Creative evaluation of a concept-based curriculum. Sigma Theta Tau International/National League for Nursing, Nursing Education Research Conference. Washington, DC. (poster presentation)
Clary-Muronda, V. & Moore, S. (2017). Diversity in Philadelphia and Diversity in Philadelphia’s Nurses: Bridging the Gap with the STEP-UP Nursing Program. American Association of Colleges of Nursing, Baccalaureate Education Conference Podium Presentation. Atlanta, Georgia, 2017
Sigma Theta Tau Eta Mu Research Grant Recipient JNESO Scholarship Award Recipient Virtua Health Systems Evidence- Based Practice Poster Presentation Award.
Clary-Muronda, V. (2016). Zimbabwean Health Care Provider Perceptions of Facilitators and Barriers to Neonatal Resuscitation in Delivery Settings: Sigma Theta Tau International Research Congress Podium Presentation. Cape Town, South Africa
Clary-Muronda, V. (2015).South African Health Care Provider Perceptions of Barriers to Effective Neonatal Resuscitations in Delivery Settings: Sigma Theta Tau International Convention Poster Presentation. Las Vegas, Nevada
Sigma Theta Tau International Global Ambassador
Clary-Muronda, V. (2015). Benefits of Membership in Sigma Theta Tau International. Podium Presentation. University of Zimbabwe, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe
Clary-Muronda, V. (2015). Simulation to Improve Inter-professional Performance in Neonatal Resuscitation. Poster Presentation. Eastern Nursing Research Society Annual Conference, Washington, DC
Clary-Muronda, V. (2013). Using Simulation to Improve Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Neonatal Resuscitations in the Delivery Room. Poster Presentation. Interdisciplinary Evidenced-Based Practice Conference. Virtua Health, Voorhees, NJ