Fall prevention among older adults; management of symptomatic falls through sensing technology; quality of care for older adults; translational, health services and implementation science research.
Deanna Gray-Miceli, PhD, CRNP, GNP-BC, FGSA, FNAP, FAANP, FAAN
Contact Information

901 Walnut Street
Suite 707
Philadelphia, PA 19107
215-955-5674 fax
Research & Clinical Interests
Legacy Post-Doctoral Fellow, John A. Hartford Foundation, BAGC 2002-2004
PhD, Widener University (2001)
MSN, University of Pennsylvania (1983)
BSN, Fairleigh Dickinson University (1982)
Gray-Miceli, D., Harrington, C.,Kris, A., Holtzclaw, B., Sorenson, M., Rainer, S. Lessons in How To Improve Care and Reduce Infections Among Vulnerable Older Adults at Risk for COVID-19 in Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs). OBM-Geriatrics, accepted for publication.
Gray-Miceli, D., Gray, K., Sorenson, M., Holtzclaw, B. Immunosenescence and Infectious Disease Risk Among Aging Adults: Management Strategies for FNP’s to Identify Those at Greatest Risk. Advances in Family Practice Nursing 5:1, 2023, 27-40. doi.org/10.1016/j.yfpn.2022.11.004.
Gray-Miceli D., Patel N., Sekar S., & Smith ML. Using mobile technology to assess balance during a sit-to-stand maneuver among older adults with fall risk: A pilot study. Journal of Gerontological Nursing 2019 45:10, 18-23. PMID 31560072.
- Pitfalls and Perils of Infectious Diseases in Vulnerable Older Adults with Coronavirus Disease 2019
- Immunosenescence and Infectious Disease Risk Among Aging Adults: Management Strategies for FNPs to Identify Those at Greatest Risk
- Leading Improvements in the Delivery of Nursing Care for Older Adults with Frailty in Long-Term Care Using Mitchell's Quality Health Outcome Model and Health Outcome Data
- Expert nurse response to workforce recommendations made by The Coronavirus Commission For Safety And Quality In Nursing Homes
- A framework for delivering nursing care to older adults with COVID-19 in nursing homes
Kris, A. & Gray-Miceli, D. (2021). Gerontological Nurse Certification Review, Third Edition. New York: Springer Publishing Company. 9780826181633.
Gray-Miceli, D. 5 Easy Steps to Prevent Falls: The Comprehensive Guide for Nurses to Keeping Patients of All Ages Safe. (2014). American Nurses Association: Silver Spring, MD. 138 pg.
Leadership and Management Skills for Long Term Care. Ed(s) Sullivan-Marx, E., Gray-Miceli, D. (2008). Springer: New York.
Gray-Miceli, D., Capezuti, E, and Lawson, W, Iver, P. (2007). Falls Handbook: From Public Places to Patient Settings: Clinical and Medical-legal Perspectives Across the Lifespan. Medical Legal Publishers, 128 pages (32,660 words), 10 Tables, 5 figures, 280 references.
Professional Organizations
- American Academy of Nursing
- American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
- American Nurses Association-New Jersey State Nurses Association
- Eastern Nursing Research Society
- Gerontological Society of America
- National Academies of Practice
- National Hartford Center for Gerontological Nursing Excellence
- Sigma Theta Tau- Epsilon Rho, Xi and Gamma Nu chapters
- Senior Advisory Committee Member, Falls Expert Panel , National Veteran’s Administration, National Center Falls Prevention Task Force (2016-2019)
- State Coalitions on Falls Prevention Workgroup: National Fall Prevention Resource Center NJ State Co-Representative (2013-2019)
Awards & Honors
2022, Award for Mentoring, Thomas Jefferson University
2019, Distinguished Educator in Gerontological Nursing, National Hartford Center of Gerontological Nursing Excellence, ceremony November 13, 2019.
2019, Nominee, “Promoting Environment for Excellence in Nursing Practice Award”, South Region, Florida Nurses Association 9th Annual Symposium & Awards Ceremony, ceremony April 13, 2019.
2019, Honoree Induction, PINNACLE Society Award, Distinguished Alumni Award, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Metropolitan Campus, June 7, 2019.
2018, Nominee, Nicholas Andrew Cummings Award for Interprofessional Education & Collaboration, National Academies of Practice.
2017, Excellence Award for Research and Evidence-Based Practice. Presented by the Director and Faculty of the Henry Becton School of Nursing and Allied Health at the 65th Gala Celebration of Fairleigh Dickinson University, School of Nursing and Allied Health, December 1, 2017, Montvale, NJ.
2016, Distinguished Fellowship, National Academies of Practice and Distinguished Scholar and Fellow, Nursing Academy, April 9, 2016. Baltimore, MD
2014, Associate, Institute for Health, Health Care Policy and Aging Research, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
2012, Fellow, American Academy of Nursing
2007, Scholar, National Institute of Aging, Summer Research Institute
2005, Fellow, Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC
2003, Fellow, American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
Funded Grants
Gray-Miceli, D. (PI), Ray, G (co-I), Juliano, D (Co-I), Sloane, H (Co-I). Feasibility study to test Jefferson –New Jersey Hospitals and Nurses Readiness for Implementing the Reducing All Falls Together [RAFT] Intervention. Submitted for internal funding to the Stratton Foundation, amount requested: $3,509 Approved for funding December 24, 2019; Revisions to proposal and budget adjusted accordingly (3/26/21).
Holly, C. (PI), Gray-Miceli, D. & Kelly, S (co-I). 2015. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Population Health grant entitled “Redesigning Nursing Education to Address the Challenges and Opportunities of Elder Population Health”. Awarded $50,000.
Gray-Miceli, D. (PI), Willard, S, Cadmus, E, Pearson, G, & Strayer, R (co-I’s). 2012. Human Resources and Services Administration (HRSA): Comprehensive Geriatric Education Program grant entitled “Leaders Impacting the Healthcare of Frail Elders (LIHFE)”. Grant approved for $804,465 in funding.
Gray-Miceli, D. (PI), Crane, G. & Ratcliffe, S (co-I’s). 2010-2011. Frances E. Parker Memorial Home Foundation, Inc. New Brunswick, NJ grant for research entitled “Staff Nurses Determination of Assessment, Intervention, Enablers and Barriers for the Prevention of Recurrent Falls in Older Adults”. Awarded $25,000.
Gray-Miceli, D. (PI), Johnson, J. & Ratcliffe, S (co-I’s). 2006-2009. Academic Long-Term Care Network Grant Program for research entitled “Feasibility of using the Post Fall Index with older Nursing Home Residents”. University of Pennsylvania, Division of Geriatric Medicine Philadelphia, PA. Awarded $20,000.
Kris, A., Gray-Miceli, D. “Navigating Ethical and Methodological Challenges at the Intersection of DNP Projects and Federal IRB Regulations: A Growing Challenge Facing Healthcare Researchers”. Abstract research presentation submitted to the National Hartford Center for Gerontological Nursing Excellence Annual Leadership Conference: Research, Scholarship, and Innovations for Optimal Aging, October 24-26, 2023.
Gray-Miceli, D., Kris, A. “Safeguards for Protecting Vulnerable Older Adults in Long-Term Care Participating in Research to Assess Balance Using Mobile Technology”. Abstract research presentation submitted to the National Hartford Center for Gerontological Nursing Excellence Annual Leadership Conference: Research, Scholarship, and Innovations for Optimal Aging, October 24-26, 2023.
Cara, C., Fawcett, J., Gray-Miceli, D., Joseph, L., Zumstein-Shaha. (2023, January) “Policy With or Without Theory: Questions to be Answered.” Nursology.net.
Kris, A. & Gray-Miceli, D. “Calling All Nurse Leaders to Prepare the Next Generation of Geriatric Nurses”. On Demand Educational Session, approved for .75 CEU, National Hartford Center for Gerontological Nursing Excellence Annual Leadership Conference: Thriving and Resilience in Gerontological Nursing Leadership, October 18-20, 2022.
Gray-Miceli, D. & Kris, A. Accuracy of Nurses' Fall Prevention Interventions in Patients With Cognitive Impairment and Behavioral Symptoms. Presented at the 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, November 4-7, 2020. [virtual].
Gray-Miceli, D. Nurses’ Fall Prevention Interventions in Nursing Home Patients with Acute Versus Chronic Underlying Conditions. Presented at the Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting, November 4-7, 2020. [virtual].
Gray-Miceli D, Ratcliffe SJ., Smith, ML &, & Rogowski J. Achieving the triple aim through a falls prevention innovation in long term care. 71st Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Austin, Texas. Poster presentation November 15, 2019. Published: Innovations in Aging, 2019, Volume 3, No.5, pg. 475. PMC 6840567
Gray-Miceli, D., Craelius, W., Patel, N., Galvin, J. Use of Mobile technology to assess balance in older adults with and without symptoms during a sit to stand maneuver. 70th Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Boston, MA. Poster presentation, November 17, 2018. Published: Innovations in Aging, Volume 2, Issue suppl_1, November 2018, p. 732. PMCID: PMC 6228331
Gray-Miceli, D. Lived experience of a serious fall by older adults: Translating meaning to teach students and advance the science of caring. 70th Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Boston, MA. Paper presentation as part of a Symposium “ Engaging Older People’s Views With Students Who Are Researchers in Training”, November 15, 2018. Innovation in Aging, Volume 2, Issue suppl_1, 1 November 2018, Pages 232–233, https://doi.org/10.1093/geroni/igy023.864
Gray-Miceli, D.,Rogoswki, J., Ratcliffe, S.J. Effect of the Post Fall Index on Device and Equipment Costs for Falls Prevention.70th Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Boston, MA. Paper presentation November 15, 2018. Published: Innovations in Aging, Volume 2, Issue suppl_1, November 2018, p. 361-362. Available on the Internet at: https://doi.org/10.1093/geroni/igy023.1337.
Gray-Miceli D., Craelius W, Li K. Mobile technology to assess balance during sit to stand maneuver among older adults at risk for falling. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care. Volume 7, Issue 1, page 248. Published on line June 29. 2018. Research article: https://doi.org/10.1177/2327857918071057.
Gray-Miceli, D. (2015). Curricular innovations for teaching undergraduate nursing
student clinical care of older adults. [peer-reviewed poster presentation]. 68th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Orlando, FL, November 21, 2015. The Gerontologist 55 (Suppl 2): 715. Resulted in accepted manuscript for publication with revision.
Gray-Miceli, D. & Ratcliffe S.J. (2015). Symptomology of Falls by Older Adults in a Continuing Care Retirement Community. [peer-reviewed poster presentation]. 68th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Orlando, FL, November 21, 2015. Resulted in submitted manuscript for publication.
Gray-Miceli, D. & Ratcliffe S.J. (2015). Post-fall emotional responses, functional limitations and action plans to manage falls among independent residing older adults with recurrent falls [peer-reviewed poster presentation]. 68th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Orlando, FL, November 21, 2015. The Gerontologist 55 (Suppl 2): The Gerontologist 55 (Suppl 2): 644 doi:10.1093/geront/gnv341.14. Resulted in manuscript under review for publication.
Gray-Miceli, D. & Ratcliffe S.J. (2015). Symptomology of Falls by Older Adults in a Continuing Care Retirement Community. [peer-reviewed poster presentation]. 2015 Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Geriatrics Society, National Harbor, Maryland, Saturday May 16, 2015. Resulted in submitted manuscript for publication.
Gray-Miceli, D. & Ratcliffe S.J. (2015). Post-fall emotional responses, functional limitations and action plans to manage falls among independent residing older adults with recurrent falls [peer-reviewed poster presentation]. 2015 Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Geriatrics Society, National Harbor, Maryland, Saturday May 16, 2015.
Gray-Miceli, D. (2015). Structure and Process of Care Barriers in Falls and Injury Prevention in LTC: Exemplars from Individual-level Research. [peer-reviewed poster presentation accepted; presentation withdrawn]. HFES 2015 International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care: Improving the Outcomes, Baltimore, MD, April 27-28, 2015.
Gray-Miceli, D. (2015). Five Easy Steps to Reduce Falls and Protect Patients. [peer-reviewed paper presentation accepted; presentation withdrawn]. HFES 2015 International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care: Improving the Outcomes, Baltimore MD, April 27-28, 2015.
Gray-Miceli, D., Ratcliffe, S.J & Thomasson, A. (2014). Patient level risk factors for Orthostatic Hypotension. [peer-reviewed poster presentation]. American Geriatrics Society, Orlando, Florida, May 16, 2014. Referenced in the Scientific Conference Proceedings, pg.S213.