Built Environment and Physical Activity
Age-Friendly Neighborhoods
Older Drivers
Minority Older Adult & Health Promotion Activities
Anne Mitchell, PhD, CRNP
Assistant Professor
Contact Information

130 South Ninth Street
Edison Building, Suite 744
Philadelphia, PA 19107
215-955-5674 fax
Assistant Professor
Research & Clinical Interests
PhD, University of Pennsylvania (2012)
MN, University of California Los Angeles (1990)
BSN, The Catholic University of America (1982)
Adult Nurse Practitioner ANCC
Professional Organizations
American Geriatric Association
Gerontological Society of America – Convener of the Environmental Gerontology Interest Group 2016
Eastern Nurses Research Society – Planning Committee 2017 Annual Conference
Gerontological Advance Practice Nurses Association
Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society
American Nurses Association
Paper: GIS Mapping: Bridging the Built Environment Perception and Objective Findings of Neighborhood Walkability. Eastern Nursing Research Society 28th Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh,PA, 2016.
Poster: The influence on crime and traffic on the amount of walking by older African American adults in a northeastern U.S. City. The International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress 8th Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland, April, 2015.
Paper: The Association of Public Transit on the Amount of Walking by Older African American Adults in Urban Areas. Eastern Nursing Research Society 27th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. April, 2015
Poster: The Amount of Driving among Older African Americans. 67th Gerontological Society of America Annual Conference, Washington D.C. November, 2014.
Paper: The Relation between Symptoms and Medical Conditions on the Amount of Self-reported Walking in Older Adults. Eastern Nursing Research Society, 26th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. April, 2014.
Research Grants
“The Seniors Walkability Assessment of Neighborhoods (SWAN): Initial Pilot Study in U.S. Urban Area”, Sponsor: Pennsylvania State System of Education, 2015.
Penn Institute of Urban Health Research Pilot Funds for Older Adults Research, University of Pennsylvania funding for Dissertation study, 2012.