PhD, Thomas Jefferson University (2011)
BS, Cornell University (2003)
Hannah R. Smith, PhD
Associate Professor
Assistant Dean - Academic Strategy and Operations
Program Director - Post Master's Certificate Advanced Headache Diagnosis & Management
Contact Information

Associate Professor
Assistant Dean - Academic Strategy and Operations
Program Director - Post Master's Certificate Advanced Headache Diagnosis & Management
- Active Learning Modules for Large Lecture Courses: Implementing the New Essentials
- An interprofessional approach to teaching genetics in an undergraduate nursing curriculum
- Defining best practices and validation for curriculum mapping
- A role for SUMO in nucleotide excision repair
- Deficient SUMO attachment to flp recombinase leads to homologous recombination-dependent hyperamplification of the yeast 2 μm circle plasmid
Hannah R. Silver, Doctoral Thesis, Multiple Genome Stability Roles for SIZ-dependent Sumoylation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, December 2010.