On November 3rd and 4th, the Jefferson Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education (JCIPE) hosted their 8th biennial conference, Interprofessional Care for the 21st Century, which drew over 150 attendees from 17 states and Canada. The purpose of the conference is to showcase scholarly work related to interprofessional education and collaborative practice. Amber King, PharmD, Associate Provost of Interprofessional Practice & Education and Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice said "JCP students have the opportunity to learn with, from, and about students from other health professions throughout their time at Jefferson. In addition to 4 interprofessional experiences that are embedded in the JCP curriculum, students may also elect to participate in other interprofessional programs.
Luor Doebis and Alyssia Calhoun, who each participated in an additional longitudinal interprofessional experience, submitted abstracts about their experience, and were selected to present posters at the conference. It was wonderful to see these students and their peers from other health professions programs share their work at the JCIPE conference!"
“I chose to participate in the Jefferson-Student Interprofessional Complex Care Collaborative (J-SICCC) program. This experience was incredibly rewarding, our team collaborated to assist a patient with a complex health history, low health literacy, and a lack of familial support to receive healthcare. To address gaps, our team built a strong rapport with him by accompanying him to his medical appointments, acting as a bridge between his primary care provider and other specialists, and helping facilitate a smooth transition of care in fulfilling his goals.” Luor Doeibis