News & Events
901 Walnut Street
Suite 901
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Students Provide Wellness Education
"In the journey of pharmacy education and practice, we find our greatest growth not only in the classroom but in collaborative efforts with our fellow student pharmacist peers and experienced pharmacists. Hosting a pharmacy student-driven health fair was not just about dispensing knowledge and medication; it was a platform for personal and professional growth. Through effective teamwork, we created an atmosphere of learning that not only benefited us as students, but also served our local community. The collective effort of coming together for this event exemplifies the spirit of our profession – a commitment to health and well-being for all." Huelena Nguyen
Student members of APhA-ASP hosted a community Health Wellness Fair on the Jefferson Plaza. Wellness topics included women’s health, diabetes, importance of immunizations, and other chronic diseases. In addition to answering questions from the public, the community fair provides the students an opportunity to apply information they are learning in classes. The event was co-coordinated by Olivia Rumbas (JCP 2025) and Huelena Nguyen (JCP 2025), the faculty advisor is Emily Scopelliti, PharmD.