The Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education (CAHME) Board of Directors approved the initial accreditation of Thomas Jefferson University’s MS in Healthcare Quality and Safety program through its College of Population Health for a three-year term.
In 2008, Thomas Jefferson University established the nation’s first college of population health, dedicated to eliminating health inequities through science, education, and leadership. It’s a point of pride for the entire University family, and a matter of importance to those it serves and educates.
“Equipping healthcare professionals with the skills to deliver high quality clinical care is key to improving health outcomes,” said Susan Aldridge, PhD, Interim President of Thomas Jefferson University. “Both are critical priorities at Jefferson, and integral to our academic and clinical missions.”
“The College of Population Health is proud to have been at the forefront of the effort to standardize healthcare quality and patient safety as an academic discipline,” said Billy Oglesby, PhD, MBA, MSPH, FACHE, Humana Dean of the Jefferson College of Population Health. “Providing a clear roadmap will help close care gaps that drive health inequities.”
“Healthcare administrators and clinical professionals are committed to the patients they serve,” said Mary R. Cooper, MD, JD, Program Director for the Healthcare Quality and Safety Program at Jefferson’s College of Population Health. “Our program provides them with the skills and experience they will need to succeed in transforming the healthcare system.”
“CAHME’s mission is to advance the quality of healthcare management education globally. CAHME-accredited programs have successfully navigated a complex and careful accreditation process managed by experts in the study and practice of healthcare management,” said Anthony Stanowski, DHA, FACHE, president and CEO of CAHME. “The program meets rigorous standards set by leading academics and practitioners. We recognize their commitment to the field. ”
Since 1968, the Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education (CAHME) has served the public interest by advancing the quality of healthcare management education globally. CAHME accredits 143 academic programs in management which has broadly been defined to include healthcare quality and safety, and population health.
CAHME works with leading academic programs and numerous healthcare practitioners to ensure that graduates entering the healthcare field have undergone an educational process meeting rigorous, measurable standards for effectiveness. The result is a formal academic education focusing on key competencies, plus practical experiences. This enables new graduates to quickly add value to an organization and grow into future leaders. CAHME is the only organization recognized by the Council on Higher Education Accreditation to grant accreditation to individual academic programs offering a graduate degree in healthcare management.