Accountable Care and Clinical Integration Via Risk- and Value-Based Contracting
Clinical Practice Guidelines and Performance Measurement Development and Implementation
Quality Outcomes Measurement and Improvement
Physician/Medical Staff Leadership and Accountability
Population Health Management for Chronic Illnesses
Contact Information

901 Walnut Street
10th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107
215-923-7583 fax
Research & Practice Interests
MD, University of Cincinnati
MBA, University of Pennsylvania
MPH, Johns Hopkins University
- What Constitutes Adequate Control of High Blood Pressure? Current Considerations
- Study protocol: Collaboration Oriented Approach to Controlling High blood pressure (COACH) in adults – a randomised controlled trial
- The Rising Prevalence of Multiple Chronic Conditions Among US Adults With Hypertension
- The Real-World Foundation of Adapting Clinical Guidelines for the Digital Age
- The Clinical Learning Environment: Past, Present, and Future
Internal Medicine, Rush Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center
Board Certification
Internal Medicine
Introduction to Healthcare Quality & Safety
Dr. Casey is currently Principal and Founder of IPO 4 Health (“Improving Patient Outcomes for Health”), located in Chicago, which provides expertise, experience and advice for accountable care and clinical integration via value-based contracting; clinical practice guideline and performance measurement development and implementation; quality outcomes measurement and improvement; physician/medical staff leadership and accountability; population health management for chronic illnesses, including advanced care planning; to federal agencies and non-governmental organizations (e.g. CMS, CDC, AHRQ, HHS, state health departments, NCQA and NQF); and expert witness services for medical malpractice corporate negligence and healthcare related antitrust matters.
From 2014-2020, Dr. Casey has served as a consultant, and Chief of Clinical Affairs for Medecision, a population health technology platform company supporting large health insurers. From 2014-2017, he was also a Managing Director at Alvarez and Marsal in its Health Advisory Group, providing consulting services to many nationally known large healthcare organizations during this time for clinical integration, population health and governance.
Dr. Casey has served as the NYU Langone Medical Center Vice President of Network Integration and Chief Medical Officer (CMO) of the NYUPN Clinically Integrated Physician Network. His achievements included the development and implementation of successful performance measurement and improvement management systems for quality of care, patient experience and efficiency for the more than 1,600 physicians participating in NYUPN’s current and future performance-based “Pay for Value” contracts with commercial and government payers. As Professor of Population Health and Medicine of the NYU School of Medicine, Dr. Casey delivered numerous presentations and lectures nationally as well as to NYU physicians, residents and medical students on quality and healthcare reform, and served as one of four founding principal investigators in the “Accelerating Change in Medical Education” grant recently awarded to the School of Medicine by the AMA.
Prior to NYU, Dr. Casey served as Vice President and CMO, Chief Quality Officer, Chief Academic Officer and Chief Research Officer for Atlantic Health System (AHS) in New Jersey, and academic liaison as Associate Professor of Medicine at Mount Sinai Medical School. Reporting directly to the AHS CEO and Board of Trustees during his tenure, AHS hospitals experienced a more than 40% decline in inpatient mortality and a 25% decline in infection rates, with significant hospital ranking improvement in the University Health System Consortium (UHC) Comparative Database and in US News and World Report (achieving first time ever Top 50 rankings nationally in 4 specialties). He also founded the Atlantic Center for Research and achieved national recognition from the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) for AHS’s residency quality improvement efforts.
Dr. Casey also served as Senior Vice President and CMO for Catholic Healthcare Partners (CHP, now called Mercy Health), a 5-state, 30-hospital health system based in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he created and implemented a comprehensive “best practice” driven quality strategic plan that achieved top decile performance and national recognition for the CHP hospitals. While at CHP, Dr. Casey was principal investigator in 2002 for a $1.2M grant from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality focused on care coordination for people with heart failure.
Dr. Casey revolutionized the first regional large-scale regional population-based quality improvement initiatives, Medicare and Medicaid claims data analytics and quality transparency as Senior Vice President and CMO of the Delmarva Foundation (Maryland and Washington D.C.’s Medicare Peer Review and Quality Improvement Organization) from 1997-2001. His work at Delmarva also included oversight of quality, utilization and professional peer review and activities for the Medicare and Medicaid programs in Maryland, DC and 6 other state Medicaid agencies. This work resulted in the first-in-the nation statewide public reporting of hospital quality measures in Maryland in 1999.
As a board-certified primary care internist, Dr. Casey has practiced primary care, emergency medicine, and hospital/critical care medicine in a variety of clinical settings for 19 years, including an inner city Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC), a 2-physician private office practice, a large internal medicine teaching program group practice and a multispecialty group in a rural community providing full risk/capitated care to Medicaid patients. He has also served as a medical director for long term care, palliative care, geriatric services and home care organizations.
His managed care experience includes medical advisor for the Central States Health and Welfare Fund, Vice President of Utilization Review for Efficient Health Systems, oversight of Medicare and Medicaid Utilization and Peer Review functions for the Delmarva Foundation and the Quality Improvement Oversight Committee for Horizon Blue Cross in New Jersey. Dr. Casey has also served as an expert medical advisor for the Illinois Department of Public Health and the US Department of HHS. Dr. Casey is currently a member of the Midwest Comparative Effectiveness Public Advisory Committee of the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER).