Fern Goodhart, MS, RMCHES


Contact Information

Fern Goodhart

901 Walnut Street
10th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107

Email Fern Goodhart

215-923-7583 fax


Research & Practice Interests

Population Health Advocacy
Health Promotion
Participatory Research
Bicycle Safety


MS, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
BA, Queens College, CUNY



Goodhart FW. Teaching Advocacy to Public Health Students: The New Jersey Experience. Health Promotion Practice. 2002;3(3):341-346.

Fisch Lewis D, Goodhart F, Burn WD.  New Jersey College Students’ High-Risk Behavior: Will We Meet the Health Objectives for the Year 2000? Journal of American College Health. 1996;45:3, 119-126.

O’Leary A, Goodhart F, Jemmott LS, Boucher-Lattimore D. Predictors of Safer Sex on the College Campus: A Social Cognitive Theory Analysis. Journal of American College Health. 1992;40(6):254-63.

Benson D, Charlton C, Goodhart F. Acquaintance Rape on Campus: A Literature Review. Journal of American College Health. 1992;40:4,157-165. 

University Appointment

Lecturer, Jefferson College of Population Health


Health Policy: Analysis & Advocacy


Ms. Fern Goodhart has a long career in research, teaching and community service to advance population health. Ms. Goodhart was Senior Policy Advisor for Senator Tom Udall (NM) with a portfolio that included health, education, Indian health and education, and other domestic social issues (2009-2015). She also served in Senator Menendez’s (NJ) office in 2008 as the American Public Health Association (APHA) public health fellow.

Before working on Capitol Hill, Ms. Goodhart directed the Rutgers University Health Services’ health education department (1985-2007), where she also conducted research and managed over $10 million in grants on HIV prevention, sexual health practices, dangerous drinking behavior, bicycle helmet use, and coalition building. At the same time, Ms. Goodhart taught courses at Rutgers University and the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ) on health promotion, qualitative research, human sexuality, AIDS, and public health advocacy as well as consulting with governments and universities nationally and internationally on health and civic engagement issues. In addition, Ms. Goodhart held elected public office as a councilwoman and council president in Highland Park, NJ (2001-2007).

Prior to working at Rutgers University, Ms. Goodhart coordinated statewide health education programs for the New Jersey State Department of Health (1978-85) in dental health, workplace health promotion, and cardiovascular disease prevention, and served three governors on their Councils on Physical Fitness, Trails, and Bicycle Advocacy.  She is a master’s certified health education specialist (ret), has authored 24 book chapters or articles and served as an associate editor for one health journal and reviewer for several others.

In addition to teaching HPL 506: Health Policy Analysis and Development for JCPH, Ms. Goodhart serves on two county advisory boards in Broward County, for pedestrian/bicycle safety and as a community advisor for the Metropolitan Planning Organization. After completing six years on the Rutgers University Arts & Sciences IRB, Ms. Goodhart is now active with the Broward League of Women Voters, educating and registering voters.