Contact Information
901 Walnut Street, 10th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Value-based Care Strategy
Payment Innovation/Advanced Alternative Payment Methods (AAPMs)
Accountable Care Organizations
Operational & Clinical Practice Transformation
Care Model Delivery
MHA, Capella University
BS, Capella University
Rappaport DI, Wilding KM (Joswick), Adkins L, Bourque M, Miller J. How will a shift to value-based financial models affect care for hospitalized children? Hosp Pediatric, 2024; 14(3): e177–e180.
Thornton LJ, Wilding KM (Joswick), Gratale D,. Walker KO. Alternative payment models and working with payers-key considerationa for advancing population health goals and achieving child health equity. Pediatric Clinics of North America, 2023; (4):667-682.
Fellow, Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (FHIMSS)
Certified Professional Health Information Management (CPHIMS)
Certified Health Chief Information Officer (CHCIO)
Karen Marie Joswick, MHA, CHCIO, FHIMSS, CPHIMS, is a seasoned healthcare executive and national thought leader with deep expertise in payment innovation, accountable care implementation, and health system operations. She is a former first responder with over twenty years of system operational and clinical experience in healthcare.
She currently serves as President of Benevolence Health, a dynamic and forward-thinking healthcare consultancy. Partnering with health systems, payers, and global partners, they support a wide array of strategic partnerships to advance clinical and business transformation. She has served as the enterprise vice president and Chief Value Officer (CVO) for Nemours Children’s Health. Focused on whole child health, Karen was responsible for emerging value-based programs with over 200k children that included downside and capitated arrangements. Before leading a pediatric portfolio, Karen was a senior leader at The University of Maryland Medical System (UMMS), enabling the growth of the statewide clinically integrated network (UMQCN) and various accountable care programs (MDPCP, SIHIS, EQIP, etc.) under the one-of-a-kind Maryland TCOC all-payer model. She has extensive knowledge of commercial and government payer models, facilitating workstreams and process improvement efforts on accountable care for multi-state acute care facilities and practice locations.
Serving as an academic advisor and instructor for over a decade, she has held an adjunct faculty appointment at the Community College of Baltimore County, supporting national and state-based healthcare workforce development grants. In these roles, she has contributed significantly to the education and development of future healthcare professionals, infusing her courses with real-world insights and practical perspectives.
Her commitment to advancing population health is further exemplified by her service on the Board of Directors for the National Association of Accountable Care Organizations (NAACOs). She contributes to podium presentations on topics ranging from clinical performance, and alternative payment models, to health equity, operational excellence, system transformation, and technology/data models.
Karen resides in Delaware with her husband and family. Outside of work, she enjoys golf, cooking, and traveling. She is often found at a sporting event on weekends for one (or more) of their five children.