Kenneth Slenkovich, MA
Contact Information
901 Walnut Street
10th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107
215-923-7583 fax
Research & Practice Interests
Public Health Management and Systems Research
Community Health Needs Assessment
Strategic Planning
MA, Fuller Theological Seminary
Legislative, Executive & Regulatory Processes
Health Policy: Analysis & Development
Policy Approaches to Addressing Social Determinants of Health
Medicare & Medicaid
Comparative Health Systems
Kenneth Slenkovich is a lecturer in the College of Population Health at Thomas Jefferson University. He served for over ten years as the Assistant Dean of Kent State University’s College of Public Health and a member of the faculty in the department of health policy and management.
Mr. Slenkovich has 30 years of professional experience including serving as the William C. and Elizabeth M. Treuhaft Chair in Health Planning at the Center for Community Solutions, a Cleveland-based nonprofit policy think-tank. He was the founding Program Director for the Ohio Tobacco Prevention Foundation and oversaw the State of Ohio’s tobacco prevention and cessation programs. He has also served as the Local Health Department Liaison for the Ohio Department of Health, and Director of Policy & Planning for the Cuyahoga County Board of Health.
He holds a master’s degree in Cross-Cultural Studies, and received his graduate training from Fuller Theological Seminary, the University of Florida, and Case Western Reserve University. His undergraduate studies were done at the University of Colorado. Mr. Slenkovich is a sought after consultant with extensive experience facilitating strategic planning processes and conducting community needs assessments for non-profit organizations and governmental agencies. Mr. Slenkovich teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in population and public health.