OTD, Thomas Jefferson University
MSOT, Thomas Jefferson University
BS - Biology, Villanova University
Erin Price, OTD, OTR/L, CNT, NTMTC
Teaching Instructor
Doctoral Capstone Coordinator
Contact Information

Teaching Instructor
Doctoral Capstone Coordinator
- National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy
- Certified Neonatal Therapist
- Neonatal Touch and Massage Therapist Certified
Research & Clinical Interests
- Pediatric occupational therapy with emphasis on early childhood development and the neonatal intensive care unit.
Additional Training
- Advanced Practice Certificate in Neuroscience: Advanced Concepts for Evidenced Based Practice, Thomas Jefferson University
- Capstone: A Pilot Study of the Implementation and Evaluation of a NICU Transition to Early Intervention Program for High-Risk Infants