PhD, Physical Therapy, Temple University
MS, Physical Therapy, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science
MPT and BS, Physical Therapy, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science
Susan F. Wainwright, PT, PhD
She / Her / Hers / Herself
Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Jefferson College for Rehabilitation Sciences
Contact Information

She / Her / Hers / Herself
Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Jefferson College for Rehabilitation Sciences
Select Publications
- Hoglund LT, Scalzitti DA, Bolgla LA, Jayaseelan DJ. Wainwright SF. Patient-reported outcome measures for adults and adolescents with patellofemoral pain: a systematic review of content validity and feasibility using the COSMIN methodology. Journal of Orthopedics & Sports Physical Therapy. 2013;53(1):23-29
- Gilliland S, Wainwright SF. Physical therapist students' clinical reasoning. Journal of Physical Therapy Education. 2020;34(2):150-159.
- Stillman M, Mallow M, AnkamN, Heckert K, Gustafson K, Mulcahey MJ, Stephens M, Piersol CV, Wainwright SF, Fried K. A one-year fellowship in the care of people with disabilities: A demonstration project. MedEdPublish. 2020;9:216. Last updates Dec 13, 2021.
- Santasier AM, Wainwright SF. Physical therapists’ pursuit of an academic doctoral degree: strategies for success. Journal of Physical Therapy Education. 2018;32(2):130-137.
- Huhn K, Black L, Christensen N, Furze J, Vendrely A, Wainwright SF. Clinical reasoning: Survey of teaching methods and assessment in entry-level physical therapist clinical education. Journal of Physical Therapy Education. 2018;32(3):241-247.
- ANDRAGOGY: Health Professions Clinical Reasoning Transitioning From Novice to Expert
- ASSESSMENT OF CLINICAL REASONING: Strategies Across the Continuum of Professional and Post-Professional Physical Terapy Education
- The Role of Movement in Physical Therapist Clinical Reasoning
- Patient-Reported Outcome Measures for Adults and Adolescents With Patellofemoral Pain: A Systematic Review of Construct Validity, Reliability, Responsiveness, and Interpretability Using the COSMIN Methodology
- Patient-Reported Outcome Measures for Adults and Adolescents with Patellofemoral Pain: A Systematic Review of Content Validity and Feasibility Using the COSMIN Methodology
Research Interests
Clinical reasoning
Educational research
Qualitative research
Select Presentations
- Tovin MM, Wormley ME, Wainwright SF, Santasier AM. Reporting standards for qualitative and mixed-method research in physical therapy. Education session presented at 2022 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, San Antonio, TX.
- Wainwright SF, Allison LK, Chiarello CM, Fetters L, Fisher MI. Successful Publication begins with rigorous research design decisions. Education session presented at 2022 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, San Antonio, TX.
- Wainwright SF, Allison LK, Chiarello CM, Fetters L, Fisher MI. Using the peer re view process to improve research: A guide for reviewers and authors. Education session presented at 2021 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Virtual Conference.
- Scardillo JM, Wainwright SF. Perceived student confidence with patient communication following experiential learning experiences. Poster session presented at the 2020 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Denver, CO.
- McGinnis PQ, Huhn K, Wainwright SF. The third research paradigm: Mixed methods in educational research. Education session presented at the 2019 Educational Leadership Conference of the American Physical Therapy Association, Bellvue, WA.
Select Professional & Community Service
American Physical Therapy Association
- Journal of Physical Therapy Education Editor-in-Chief: January 2020 – December 2022
- Journal of Physical Therapy Education Editorial Board Member: January 2023 – Present
Commission for the Accreditation of Physical Therapy Education
- Onsite Team Leader: January 2014 – Present
Awards & Honors
2023: President’s Award, Academy of Education, American Physical Therapy Association
2022: Lucy Blair Service Award, American Physical Therapy Association
2018: Dorothy Briggs Memorial Scientific Inquiry Award, American Physical Therapy Association
2017: Journal of Allied Health J. Warren Perry Award, Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions