Elizabeth McDuffie, a student in the PhD Program in Biochemistry, Structural and Molecular Biology, has been named the 2022-2023 recipient of the Professor Fredric Rieders, Ph.D. Scholarship. This scholarship, in support of her PhD studies in the Jefferson College of Life Sciences, was first awarded in the 2007-2008 academic year. It is supported by an endowment generously established by Dr. Michael F. Rieders in recognition of his father’s many scientific and humanitarian contributions. Fredric Rieders, PhD, was a 1952 graduate of the Jefferson Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. He then served as Professor of Pharmacology at Jefferson, and as the first City of Philadelphia Chief Toxicologist. He went on to found NMS Labs, one of the nation’s largest forensic and clinical toxicology laboratories.

Department News & Highlights
Elizabeth L. McDuffie Receives The Professor Fredric Rieders, PhD Scholarship
Elizabeth L. McDuffie, Dr. Michael F. Rieders and Dr. Gerald B. Grunwald