Medical School
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA - 1981
Hospital of University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA - 1984
Cardiovascular Division, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO - 1987
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA - 1981
Hospital of University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA - 1984
Cardiovascular Division, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO - 1987
1981 Pincus Prize for Outstanding Achievement as a Clinician, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
1981 Finalist, Spencer Morris Prize Competition, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
1989 Special Investigatorship, American Heart Association, Southeastern Pennsylvania Affiliate
1989 Louis R. Dinon Teaching Award (presented by Medical Student Body - University of Pennsylvania)
1989 Bayer Fund for Cardiovascular Research Award
1992 Merck Young Investigator in Heart Failure
1993 Henry Christian Award for Excellence in Research, American Federation for Clinical Research-Cardiobiology (Senior Investigator)
1993 Henry Christian Award for Excellence in Research, American Federation for Clinical Research-Immunology (First Author and Senior Investigator)
1993 The Donna K. McCurdy Teaching Award, Department of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
1995 Jonathan Dehaan Visiting Professorship, Indiana Heart Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana Howard J. Eisen, MD
1996 Established Investigatorship, American Heart Association National Center
1996-present Listed in "The Best Doctors in America
1997 Visiting Professor, Episcopal Hospital, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA
1998 American Heart Association Southeastern Pennsylvania Affiliate Special Service Award
1998-present Listed in “Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare
1998-present Listed in “Who’s Who in Science and Engineering
1999-present Listed in “Who’s Who in America (1999-present)”
1996-present Listed as one of "Top Doctors" in Philadelphia by Philadelphia Magazine, May 1996, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2004-2018
1998-present Listed in Castle-Connolly Top Doctors in America
1998-present Listed in Best Doctors in America
2001 Knight, Ecumenical Hospitaller Order of St. Johns-Knights of Malta
2001 Visiting Professor, University of Minnesota
2001-present Member, NHLBI Training Grant, KO-8, R23 Special Emphasis Study Sections
2000, 2002, Ad Hoc Member, NIH Transplantation Study Section
2002 American Heart Association Southeastern Pennsylvania Affiliate Advocacy Award
2002 Member, NIH Cardiac Resuscitation, Molecular Imaging Special Emphasis Study Sections
2002-2004 Member, NIH Mentored Patient-Oriented Clinical Research Training Grant Study Section
2002-present Member, NIH NRSA Training Grant Study Section (ad hoc)
2002-2003 Member, NIH Molecular Imaging Study Section
2003 American Heart Association Southeastern Pennsylvania All-Around Champion Award
2004 Visiting Professor, Division of Cardiology, William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, MI
2004 Visiting Professor, Department of Cardiology, Ochsner Clinic, New Orleans, LA
Member, Thoracic Committee, American Society of Transplantation
2004 Million Dollar Research Club, Temple University (for faculty with more than one million dollars in grant support since 2001)
2004 Visiting Professor, Division of Cardiology, New York University
2004 Visiting Professor, Division of Cardiology, University of Washington
2005 Outgoing President Award, American Heart Association
2006 Alumni Service Award, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
2011 Visiting Professor, University of Cordoba, Spain
2012-present Superdoctor by Howard J. Eisen, M
2012 Keynote Speaker, Sejong General Hospital Cardiovascular Symposium. Seoul, South Korea
2013 Keynote Speaker, Sejong General Hospital Cardiovascular Symposium. Seoul, South Korea
2013 Visiting Professor, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MI
2014 Visting Professor, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY
2015 Keynote Speaker, Spanish Transplantation Society, Santander, Spain
2016 Smith-Oliver Society Alumni Visiting Professor, Division of Cardiology. Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO
2017 Selected to be on Forbes’ Cardiologists Honor Roll (one of 27 in the nation and the only one in Philadelphia and Pennsylvania)
2019 Elected to be a member of the Association of University of Cardiologists (Honor Society)
2020 Visiting Professor, University of Chicago Division of Cardiology
2021 Recognized by Expertscape as one of the top ten (#7) transplant cardiologists in the world.
2021 2021 Career Citation Milestone Award,