Dr. Brainard has directed Jefferson's Light Research Program since 1984. This program's research studies the effects of light on neuroendocrine physiology and circadian regulation in humans. Using the techniques of photobiology, radioimmunoassay, and performance testing, this group has documented how various visible and nonvisible light sources influence both hormonal balance and behavior. Current studies include elucidating the action spectrum of melatonin regulation, investigating the phase shifting capacities of light, studying the influence of light on tumor progression, and testing new light treatment devices for winter depression.
George C. Brainard, PhD
Research Interests
MA, Psychology: Goddard College
PhD, University of Texas Health Science Center
- Light: An Extrinsic Factor Influencing Animal-based Research
- Recommendations for measuring and standardizing light for laboratory mammals to improve welfare and reproducibility in animal research
- A pilot study of light exposure as a countermeasure for menstrual phase-dependent neurobehavioral performance impairment in women
- The effect of a dynamic lighting schedule on neurobehavioral performance during a 45-day simulated space mission
- Reducing nighttime light exposure in the urban environment to benefit human health and society
Other Expertise
National Institute of Mental Health, Psychobiology Branch: Consultant for experimental light therapy, 1986-1989.
NASA, Lighting design of space vehicle and space craft interiors: space shuttle, space station and space laboratory, 1987-present.
Inter-Society Color Council, Co-Chairman Committee on Physiological Response to Color, 1988-1994.
Society for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms, Chairman, Federal and Industrial Relations Committee, 1989-1992.
Illumination Engineering Society of North America, Chairman Photobiology Committee, 1990-2000.
Bio-Brite, Inc., Chairman, Scientific Advisory Board, 1991-present.
Commission International De L'Eclairage (International Commission on Illumination),
United States National Committee, Chairman Photobiology Committee (Division 6), 1992-present.
Society for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms, Chairman, Membership Committee, 1992-1996.
Temple University, Center for Frontier Sciences, Advisory Board, 1997-present.
European Pineal and Biological Rhythms Society, Board of Directors, 1999-present.
Society for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms, Board of Directors, 2000-present.
NASA, National Space Biomedical Research Institute, Member Human Performance Factors, Sleep and Chronobiology Team, 2001-present.
NASA, National Space Biomedical Research Institute, Associate Team Leader Human Performance Factors, Sleep and Chronobiology Team, 2002-present.
Animal Review Committee, Chairman, 1985-1988
Postgraduate Recommendation (Dean's Letters) Committee, 1988-1991
Delaware/Jefferson Medical Scholars Program Committee, 1988-1992
Student Affairs Committee, 1991-1995
Jefferson Medical College LCME Task Force, 1992-1993
First Years Course Coordinators Committee, 1992-present
Instruction and Research Computing Planning Group, 1993-1994
Faculty Advisor, Ars Medica, 1988-present
Faculty Advisor, Neurology Club, 1992-present
Faculty Advisor, Environmental Club, 1993-present
Pennsylvania Generalist Advisory Committee, 1995-1997
Curriculum Committee, 1995-present
Faculty Club Board Member, 1997-2001
Faculty Club President, 2000-2001
Jefferson Medical College Professional Development Task Force, 2000-2001
Jefferson Medical College LCME Committee, 1998-present
Jefferson Medical College First Year Curriculum Task Force, 2001-present
Thomas Jefferson University Food Service Committee, 2001-present
Jefferson Medical College Nominating Committee Chairman, 2001-2005
Year 1 Curriculum Revision Task Force, 2003-present