All Neurosurgery fellowships are SNS/CAST-accredited.
Functional Neurosurgery
Thomas Jefferson University is proud to offer a one-year SNS/CAST accredited fellowship in functional neurosurgery to one candidate per year. This fellowship will provide training in a comprehensive approach to the treatment of patients with a variety of diseases, including chronic pain, epilepsy, movement disorders, spasticity and spinal cord injury.
Neuro-Oncology & Skull Base Surgery
With over 1,100 major procedures performed a year the Brain Tumor Division remains one of the busiest in the nation. This Fellowship, approved in 2011 by the Committee on Accreditation of Subspecialty Training (CAST) of the Society of Neurological Surgeon (SNS), will be offered as either a one or two year fellowship, the latter to include a year dedicated to research, which will be encouraged.
Neurovascular Surgery & Endovascular Neurosurgery
This fellowship, the first endovascular fellowship in the country to be SNS/CAST approved, offers training in a comprehensive approach to the treatment of cerebrovascular disease, including microsurgery, endovascular embolization techniques for aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations, and stereotactic radiosurgery for brain AVMs utilizing the Gamma knife and X-Knife (LINAC based).
Spinal Disorders
The Department of Neurological Surgery, part of the Vickie and Jack Farber Institute for Neuroscience at Jefferson, is pleased to offer a one-year, SNS/CAST approved fellowship in Spine and Peripheral Nerve Surgery. The division of spine and peripheral nerve surgery is one of the pillars of the department of neurosurgery with seven faculty members specializing in complex disorders of the spine and peripheral nervous system