Medical School
PhD, National Center for Cell Science, India - 2001
MTech, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT): Bombay - 1999
MSc, Biochemistry, University of Pune - 1997
Post Doc Fellowship, Harvard University, Boston, 2001-2002
James J. Maguire, Jr. Professor in Spine Research
Director Division, Orthopaedic Research
1015 Walnut Street
Suite 501, Curtis Bldg.
Philadelphia, PA 19107
James J. Maguire, Jr. Professor in Spine Research
Director Division, Orthopaedic Research
PhD, National Center for Cell Science, India - 2001
MTech, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT): Bombay - 1999
MSc, Biochemistry, University of Pune - 1997
Post Doc Fellowship, Harvard University, Boston, 2001-2002
Major research focus of my lab is to study the mechanisms by which nucleus pulposus cells of the intervertebral disc adapt to avascular (hypoxic) and osmotically compromising environment. In this regard, we are studying role of transciption factors HIFs and TonEBP and signaling events that control their function. Another major research interest is to device tissue-enginering based strategies for intervertebral disc regeneration. We are testing hypothesis that adult mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) transplanted into the disc will assume nucleus pulposus-like phenotype and achieve functional restoration of degenerate disc. Our recent work shows that MSC differentiate into nucleus pulposus-like cells when cultured under conditions similar to that exist in the disc in vivo. A whole disc organ culture is also under investigation to understand aspects of disc cell function in an ex vivo setting.
Cell-Scaffold intereactions at molecular level and chitosan based scaffolds
My reaserch has a strong translational component. Regeneration of degenerate intervertberal disc using adult-mesenchymal stem cells could be a clinical therapy in future and is of immense interest to many biotech and health science companies.
English, Hindi, Marathi