Department of Psychiatry & Human Behavior Grand Rounds
Weekly Psychiatry Grand Rounds Seminars are held virtually via Zoom, on Wednesdays from 11:00am-12:00pm (September-June)
Please contact Annalee Locke for the Zoom meeting information or to be added to the Psychiatry Grand Rounds email distribution list.
Psychiatry Grand Rounds Archives
You can watch many of our past Psychiatry Grand Rounds presentations on the Jefferson Digital Commons, or JDC, Jefferson's institutional repository for academic publications.
Psychiatry Grand Rounds Presentations
All Grand Round presenters are from the Department of Psychiatry & Human Behavior, Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University, unless noted otherwise.
Psychiatry Grand Rounds Schedule: 2024-25
Date | Title/Speaker(s) |
September 4 |
An Invisible Disease: Headache Psychiatry Pearls, Myths, & Stigmata Lex Denysenko, MD, FACLP |
September 11 |
Performance & Age-Based Testing James Ellison, MD |
September 18 |
Making Sense of Maas: Understanding the Expanded Duty to Warn in Pennsylvania Jack Rozel, MD, MSL, DFAPA |
September 25 |
No Grand Rounds |
Date | Title/Speaker(s) |
October 2 |
Reflections on Global Mental Health Sam O. Okpaku MD, PhD |
October 9 |
Using technology to better understand, predict, and prevent Evan M. Kleiman, PhD |
October 16 |
Psychiatric Rating Scales: Objective Data in a World of Subjectivity Danielle Kelly, DO |
October 23 |
Game Changing Approach for Delirium: Bispectral EEG Device Gen Shinozaki, MD, PhD |
October 30 |
The Anatomy of Shame: Causes, Effects, and Strategies for James Hagenbaugh, PsyD |
Date | Title/Speaker(s) |
November 6 |
DSM-5-TR Outline for Cultural Formulation and Cultural Formulation Interview: Francis Lu, MD, DLFAPA |
November 13 |
Telepsychiatry and Rural Mental Health Richard Merkel, Jr., MD, PhD |
November 20 |
Drug Use, Sexual Compulsion, and the Internet: The Reemergence of Crystal Meth Jose Vito, MD |
November 27 | No Grand Rounds |
Date | Title/Speaker(s) |
December 4 |
Imaging in the courtroom: the group to the individual problem Amanda Kingston, MD |
December 11 |
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy with Cystic Fibrosis: Insights Christopher Drescher, PhD |
December 18 |
45th Annual Albert M. Biele, MD, Memorial LecturePsychiatric Whiplash: Prospective Evaluation of World Leaders Versus David Rosmarin, MD |
December 25 & 31 | No Grand Rounds |
Date | Title/Speaker(s) |
January 1 | No Grand Rounds |
January 8 & 15 |
Morbidity and Mortality Conferences 1 & 2 Karuna Poddar, MD, MS + PGY2 Residents |
January 22 |
Nurturing Minds, Shaping Futures: Building Baby Brains in Remote Pakistan Muhammad Zeshan, MD |
January 29 |
The Silent Epidemic: Understanding and Addressing Modern-Age Loneliness Vihasa Govada, MD and Nicolette Lee, MD |
Date | Title/Speaker(s) |
February 5 |
Cultural Consultation: a Clinician’s Journey Applying Cultural Formulation Jazwant Guzder, MD |
February 12 |
Decoding the Standard of Care Kirlan Kathe, MD, and Rosa Peverini, MD |
February 19 |
Reality redefined: Exploring virtual frontiers in psychiatry Hyowon Choi, MD, PhD, and Timothy DeRosa, MD |
February 26 |
Evolving Substance Use Trends in Pennsylvania: Patterns, Prevalence and Stanley Nkemjika, MD, MPH and Vaibhav Vyas, MD |
Date | Title/Speaker(s) |
March 5 |
Management of Hypersomnia and Mood Disorders Henry Ideker, MD & Stephan White, MD |
March 12 |
Why Patients Lie: Non-Pathological Fibs and Deception Syndromes in the Hospital Setting Scott Beach, MD, Associate Professor |
March 19 |
Climate Change and Mental Health Elizabeth Pinsky, MD |
March 26 |
AI’s Role in Medicine: Capabilities, Shortcomings, and What’s Next Daniel Ezzo, MD, and Salman Alam, DO |
To be announced
To be announced
To be announced
Psychiatry Grand Rounds Schedule: 2023-24
November 1 - Protecting Boston’s Mental Health*
Kevin Simon, MD, MPH
Chief Behavioral Health Officer, City of Boston
Pediatric Addiction Psychiatrist
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Harvard Medical School
Director, ASAP (Adolescent Substance Use
& Addiction Program) & the Justice Clinic
Division of Addiction Medicine, Deparrtment of Pediatrics, Boston Children's Hospital
November 8 - Involuntary Celibates (Incels): A Review of Etiology, Ideology, & Management
James Hagenbaugh, Psy.D
Psychologist, Student Counseling Center
Clinical Assistant Professor
Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior
Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas
Jefferson University
November 15 - The Social Media Proliferation of Extreme Ideologists & Conspiracy Theorists: Are they Obsessed, Delusional, or not even Mentally Ill?
Solange Margery-Bertoglia, MD
Assistant Director, Adult Inpatient Psychiatry
Clinical Associate Professor
Department of Psychiatry & Human Behavior
Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University
November 22 - NO GRAND ROUNDS
November 29 - Getting on the Same Page: Strategies from DBT to Manage Conflict between Patients & Providers
C. V. (Virginia) O'Hayer, PhD
Clinical Professor
Director, Jefferson Center City Clinic for Behavioral Medicine
Department of Psychiatry & Human Behavior
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
DBT-Linehan Board Certified Clinician
December 6 - Tech-Enabled Collaborative Care: Population-Focused Screening, Triage and Integrated Treatment of Psychiatric Illness in Primary Care and Other Medical Settings
Tom Zaubler, MD, MPH
Chief Medical Officer | NeuroFlow
Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry,
Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University
December 13 - 44th Annual Albert M. Biele, MD, Memorial Lecture
The Rise and Fall of the Dopamine Hypothesis as the Basis of the Pharmacologic Treatment of Schizophrenia
Peter J. Weiden, MD
Clinical Professor of Psychiatry
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health
Renaissance School of Medicine at Stony BrookUniversity
January 3 - Throwing Buprenorphine at the Wall (& Actually Having it Stick)
William Jangro, DO
Director, Division of Addiction Treatment,
Education, and Research
Director, Addiction Psychiatry Fellowship Program
Medical Director, Center for Community Substance
Abuse Programs (C-SAP)
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior
Sidney Kimmel Medical College at
Thomas Jefferson University
January 10 - Sleep Deprivation
Erin Creighton, MD
Sleep Medicine Fellow
Department of Psychiatry & Human Behavior
Sidney Kimmel Medical College at
Thomas Jefferson University
January 17 - Psychiatry & Climate Change
Rebecca Montana, MD and Julia Hannigan, MD
PGY4 Psychiatry Residents
Department of Psychiatry & Human Behavior
Sidney Kimmel Medical College at
Thomas Jefferson University
January 24 - Smart drugs, Nootropics, and Legal Highs: A Primer for Clinicians
Aqsa Malik, MD, and Dylan Golomb, MD
Addiction Psychiatry Fellows
Department of Psychiatry & Human Behavior
Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University
January 31 - Paying Attention to ADHD in Adults
Tim Wilens, MD
Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
Chief, Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Co-Director, Center for Addiction Medicine
Director, Substance Abuse Services in Pediatric Psychopharmacology Massachusetts General Hospital/MGH
February 7 - Transgender Mental Health
Laura Erickson-Schroth, MD, MA
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry
Colombia University Medical College (CUMC)
Chief Medical Officer, The Jed Foundation (JED)
February 14 - Psychiatry Throughout the Transplantaion Process
Paulina Khodak, DO & Jaime Lee, MD
Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Fellows
Department of Psychiatry & Human Behavior
Sidney Kimmel Medical College at
Thomas Jefferson University
February 21 - Unmasking the Spectrum: Identifying and Treating Autism in Women
Andie Belkoff, MD, & Emily Sudhakar, MD
PGY4 Psychiatry Residents
Department of Psychiatry & Human Behavior
Sidney Kimmel Medical College at
Thomas Jefferson University
February 28 - Morbidity & Mortality Conference I
March 6 - Morbidity and Mortality Conference II
March 13 - Healthy Habits, Happy Mind: Lifestyle Psychiatry for Children & Adolescents
Johanna Beck, MD, & Kevin Walsh, MD
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellows
Department of Psychiatry & Human Behavior
Sidney Kimmel Medical College at
Thomas Jefferson University
March 20 - The Potential Impacts of Artificial Intelligence on the Field of Psychiatry
Martin Henry, DO, & Adam Holstein, MD
PGY4 Psychiatry Residents
Department of Psychiatry & Human Behavior
Sidney Kimmel Medical College at
Thomas Jefferson University
March 27 - Cured! The Role of Psychiatrists in Detecting Hepatitis C
Sherry Nykiel, MD
Behavioral Health Medical Director
Division of Medicaid and Medical Assistance, Pennsylvania
CEO and Founder, Justus Mental Health
April 10 - Two Presentations:
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - For the Non-Specialist
Katherine Gao, MD
PGY4 Psychiatry Resident
Department of Psychiatry & Human Behavior
Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University
MOUD Made Simple: A Clinician's Guide to Education and Advocacy
Sharon Chaing, MD, ft. Emily Sudhakar, MD
PGY4 Psychiatry Residents
Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior
Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University
April 17 - Mental Health Implications of Abortion Restrictions on Marginalized Communities
Lucy Ogbu-Nwobodo, MD, MS, MAS
Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry
UCSF Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Associate Program Director of Psychiatry Residency Training
Associate Program Director of Public Psychiatry Fellowship
Director, UCSF Post Baccalaureate & Outreach Programs
April 24 - Forensic Evaluations for Asylum Seekers: Overview and Lessons Learned
Alisa R. Gutman, MD, PhD
Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Medical Director, Philadelphia Human Rights Clinic
May 1 - Trangender Embodiment
S. J. Langer, LCSW-R
Psychotherapist, Author, + WPATH Certified SOC8 Mentor
Faculty, Departments of MPS Art Therapy, and Humanities & Sciences, School of Visual Arts, NYC
Faculty, Department of Psychology, Diploma in Psychotherapy and Mental Health in Sexual Diversity of Gender Program
Universidad Diego Portales - Centre for Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy Studies (CEPPS: Centro de Estudios en Psicología Clínica y Psicoterapia)
May 8 & May 15 - No Grand Rounds
May 22 - Two Presentations:
Critical Psychiatry: Engine of Progress, or the New Anti-Psychiatry?
Aaron Bloch, MD
PGY4 Psychiatry Resident
Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior
Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University
Beyond Tics: A Comprehensive Overview of Tourette Syndrome for Psychiatrists and Other Mental Health Practitioners
Cooper Stone, DO
PGY4 Psychiatry Resident
Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior
Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University
May 29 - School at the Forefront of Children's Mental Health
Himangshu Rathinakumar, MD, & Ivan Krasnov, MD
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellows
Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior
Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University