Medical School
Rush University - 1983
Diagnostic Radiology
University of Illinois Medical Center - 1987
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital - 1989
William E. Conrady, MD Professor in Radiology
Vice Chair for Informatics
132 South 10th Street
Suite 1080B, Main Building
Philadelphia, PA 19107
215-955-8741 fax
William E. Conrady, MD Professor in Radiology
Vice Chair for Informatics
Rush University - 1983
Diagnostic Radiology
University of Illinois Medical Center - 1987
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital - 1989
American Board of Radiology — Diagnostic Radiology
American Board of Radiology, Certificate of Added Qualifications — Neuroradiology
Active Medical Staff (1989)
Co-Director, Division of Neuroradiology/ENT
Director, Radiology Informatics
Informatics ("Big Data," workflow optimization)
Imaging of the Spine (MR/DTI)
Adam E. Flanders, M.D. is Professor of Radiology and Rehabilitation Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He serves as Vice-Chairman of Imaging Informatics at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. He chairs the Imaging Informatics Council for the Enterprise Radiology and Imaging Service Line for Jefferson. He is also an active member of the Regional Spinal Cord Injury Center of the Delaware Valley (RSCICDV).
Dr. Flanders has been on faculty at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital since 1989, after completing Neuroradiology fellowship training here. Flanders served his Diagnostic Radiology Residency at the University of Illinois.
Dr. Flanders has been actively involved in Informatics-related activities for SIIM and RSNA for much of his career. For the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), Dr. Flanders has served on the Education and Publications Council; chaired the Medical Imaging Resource Center (MIRC) subcommittee, as well as leading the Neuroradiology RadLex and Reporting Subcommittees for the RIC.
Dr. Flanders was the former Associate Editor for Informatics for the journal RadioGraphics. Flanders serves as chairman of the RSNA’s Radiology Informatics Committee (RIC) and is a subcommittee chair for the RSNAs Digital Roadmap. He also served on the Program Committee for the Society of Imaging Informatics in Medicine (SIIM). Dr. Flanders was awarded the SIIM Fellowship for contributions to Imaging Informatics research and education. He led a multispecialty group that developed a set of common data elements (CDE) for spinal cord injury imaging for the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS).
Currently, Dr. Flanders is funded to validate the NINDS CDE terminology and to assess variation of spinal cord DTI parameters in normal subjects as measured on different clinical instruments. He has been a funded subject matter expert (SME) for the Cancer Bio-Informatics Grid (caBIG) Imaging Workspace. In addition, Dr. Flanders has been leading a multi-center collaborative project that is examining imaging features, pathology and genomics of human gliomas from the Cancer Genome Project (TCGA) using images contributed to the Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA) as part of the NIH Cancer Imaging Program (CIP).