Ghohestani International Fellowship
Program Information Contact
233 S. Tenth Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Ghohestani International Fellowship in Academic Dermatology
This fellowship, jointly established by the Jefferson Center for International Dermatology at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA and The Texas Institute of Dermatology in San Antonio, TX, has the goal to promote exchange of knowledge in the fields of clinical and experimental dermatology.
A successful recipient is a dermatologist at the early stages of his/her career development in academic dermatology with interest in basic and/or clinical research. The applicant must hold a degree in medicine and have completed formal training in dermatology equivalent to a residency or in another specialty area relevant to dermatology (e.g., autoimmune diseases). The applicants are required to have prior knowledge and experience in basic and/or clinical research.
The fellowship consists of up to a six-month rotation, with basic research in the Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Biology at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, PA and clinical research in The Texas Institute of Dermatology in San Antonio, TX. The stipend consists of US $5,000 to support stay in Philadelphia and San Antonio. The fellow is expected to submit a manuscript to a peer-reviewed journal upon completion of the fellowship. Upon successful completion of the program, the international fellow will receive a certificate jointly from the Jefferson Center for International Dermatology and The Texas Institute of Dermatology. Please note that this program does not satisfy the eligibility requirements for certification by the ACGME or ABD.
Application Information
The applicant should submit:
- a curriculum vitae;
- a one-page description of career goals and how this fellowship will help to attain such goals, and;
- two letters of recommendation
Please forward this material to Carol Kelly, Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Biology, Thomas Jefferson University, 233 S. Tenth Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19107 USA.