Internal Audit
834 Chestnut Street, Suite 450
Philadelphia, PA 19107
- 215-503-7320
- 215-923-7683 fax (fax)
1101 Market Street
Jefferson Tower, Suite 2400
Philadelphia, PA 19107
- 215-955-8585
- 215-923-3613 (fax)
Office of Internal Audit
The Office of Internal Audit serves as a resource to the Board and Management, to assess internal control processes and provide guidance for the management and mitigation of control risks.
Internal Audit was established to provide independent audit and consulting services to Jefferson. Although you may work with many types of auditors, it is important to remember that Internal Audit is part of Jefferson. Our main objective is the same as the main objective of your department – to achieve Jefferson’s mission. More details about the purpose and responsibilities of Internal Audit are included in our mission and objectives. Learning more about Internal Audit through our site will enable you to get the most from the services we provide.