Call for Proposals


Name: Chris Pastore, PhD
Organization: Kanbar College of Design, Engineering & Commerce
Name: Edgar Stach, Dr. -Ing, AIA/IA
Organization: College of Architecture & the Built Environment
Name: Katie DiSantis, PhD, MPH
Organization: Jefferson College of Population Health


Name: Sarah Bott

Student Research & Travel Award

The Institute for Smart and Healthy Cities is pleased to announce the Smart & Healthy Cities Student Research and Travel Award.

These grants provide funding to support graduate student research with a focus on the quality of life in urban settings.


Thomas Jefferson University in partnership with Università Iuav di Venezia, Italy, has been the recipient of an Erasmus+ for Higher Education grant funded by the European Union Program (ERASMUS+ KA 171).

The grant supports student mobility for training and education, as well as staff mobility for training and teaching between the Institute for Smart and Healthy Cities at Thomas Jefferson University and Università Iuav di Venezia.