Just a Dream by Emily McGuigan

Focusing on the human figure has allowed me to understand and appreciate my own body throughout the years. The practice of seeing shapes, values and colors instead of flaws, shows me that each body is its own art form. My work is a celebration of the human figure, which continues to be my biggest inspiration. 

By drawing on colored paper, I am able to bring life to a flat surface and static form. I focus heavily on the physicality of the body and the direction of the pose to translate the mental state of the figure. While creating Just a Dream, I debated on having the figure either drowning or floating – complete opposite emotions. I decided on the state of free falling. I often have stressful dreams that make me feel like I am in limbo between reality and the dream when I wake up. The simple composition of the piece and ambiguity of the negative space draws the question on why the female figure is falling and where she will end up, if anywhere.