Jefferson's Luke Vastano Elected as AIAS Northeast Quad Director

In a significant achievement for Thomas Jefferson University, architecture student Luke Vastano ’26 has been elected as the Northeast Quad Director for the American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) for the 2025-26 term. This prestigious role places Vastano at the forefront of student leadership within the architectural community across the Northeast region.

Vastano will serve as the primary liaison between the AIAS National Office and all chapters within the Northeast Quad, which encompasses numerous architecture programs across several states. His responsibilities include facilitating communication, providing support, and ensuring that each chapter has the necessary resources to thrive. Additionally, he will act as a conduit for networking opportunities, connecting chapters within the quad and fostering relationships with those in other regions.

Vastano's commitment to the broader architectural community is evident through his experience in co-chairing the AIAS Climate Action & Sustainability Task Force for the 2024-25 term, and collaborating with peers to promote environmental consciousness and sustainable practices within education and practice.

Vastano was enthusiastically grateful upon hearing the news.

"It's an honor to represent and support the diverse and dynamic chapters of the Northeast Quad,” he said. “I look forward to fostering collaboration and advancing initiatives that will benefit our members and the architectural profession at large."

John Dwyer, Chair of CABE’s Department of Architecture at Jefferson, said the entire college is proud of Vastano’s appointment.

“AIAS has elevated architectural education nationwide for decades, thanks to dedicated student leaders,” Dwyer said. “Luke is one of those exceptional individuals, making countless sacrifices for the benefit of others.”

The AIAS Board of Directors is a student-majority group that meets throughout the year to conduct the organization's business and guide its strategic direction. Board members, including the quad directors, play a crucial role in connecting with chapter leaders and students, ensuring that the AIAS remains responsive to its members’ needs.

Vastano's election not only highlights his dedication but also brings recognition to the University's architecture program.

Get to know Luke in his 'Meet our Student' profile news item.