Meet our Alumni Darby Mann

Darby Mann is a 2021 graduate of the Bachelor of Landscape Architecture program, currently working for the City of Philadelphia.

Where are you from originally?

Lancaster County, PA.

What was the best part of your time at Jefferson?

Exploring the Wissahickon between classes and studios.

What has having a Jefferson degree done for you and how has it prepared you for your career?

My experience at Jefferson offered invaluable exposure to authentic public design through landscape studios that would directly engage with communities in Philadelphia. Through hands-on projects and coursework, I gained a deeper understanding of the urban landscape, as well as its challenges, assets and opportunities.

What are you doing now?

I am currently a designer and construction manager for the City of Philadelphia, working with Parks & Recreation, and the Department of Public Property. I am coordinating design and construction from community engagement to execution for playgrounds, recreation centers, etc.

What’s something people would be surprised to find out about you?

I can ride a unicycle.

What’s one piece of advice you’d give to our current students?

You are a student for only a short while, and you don’t have to have all the right answers. Answers will come with experience. Focus more on how to ask the right questions.

Darby Mann's Designs

Some of Mann's design and construction work on playgrounds and recreational centers in Philadelphia include the 33rd & Wallace Playground, the Suffolk Park Playground, and the Tiffany Fletcher (Mill Creek) Recreation Center. 

  • 33rd & Wallace Playground
  • Suffolk Playground
  • Tiffany Fletcher (Mill Creek) Recreation Center

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