“Hematology” and “Cardeza” are virtually synonymous at Sidney Kimmel Medical College and Thomas Jefferson University. In 1939, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Cardeza created the Cardeza Foundation for Hematologic Research as a memorial to Mr. Cardeza’s mother, Charlotte Drake Cardeza. Since that time, the Foundation has supported research, education and clinical Hematology services in the Department of Medicine at the Sidney Kimmel Medical College. Such support has fulfilled the gracious intentions of the Cardezas and enabled creation of one of the premier academic Hematology programs in the world.
Currently, the Cardeza Foundation supports faculty salaries, research programs and education programs. The research laboratories and administration offices are located in Center City Philadelphia, on the 3rd floor of Jefferson Alumni Hall.
Medical Student & Faculty Relationship
The Cardeza Foundation faculty members are dedicated to hematologic research, education and clinical care. Physician members of the foundation comprise the Division of Hematology in the Department of Medicine and are actively involved in inpatient and outpatient training of residents and fellows.
The Hematology section of the Foundations of Clinical Medicine course for second year Thomas Jefferson University medical students has been noted for its use of team teaching with Pathology and Pharmacology. The lectures and small groups involve all of the divisional faculty and excellent interaction with the members of the Hematologic Malignancies section. In addition, division faculty members participate actively in educating 3rd and 4th year medical students via didactic lectures during the month long teaching attending sessions and through teaching on Hematology electives. Our faculty members also participate in the monthly Introduction to Clinical Medicine Sessions for the second year medical students.