Faculty Development
For Program Information
Dale Berg, MD
- Co-Director, Rector CSSC
- Director, Advanced Physical Diagnosis
- George Fritz Blechschmidt Professor of Clinical Skills Education
- Professor of Medicine
Sidney Kimmel Medical College
Contact Number(s):
Katherine Berg, MD
- Co-Director, Rector CSSC
- Associate Dean, Assessment
- Professor of Medicine
Sidney Kimmel Medical College
Contact Number(s):
Joseph Majdan, MD
- Director, Clinical Proficiency Remediation
- Associate Professor of Medicine
Sidney Kimmel Medical College
Contact Number(s):
Dr. Robert & Dorothy Rector Clinical Skills & Simulation Center
Dorrance Hamilton Building
1001 Locust Street, Suite 306
Philadelphia, PA 10107
Contact Number(s):
- 215-503-4225
- 215-503-4224 (fax)
Faculty Development Programs
The Rector Clinical Skills & Simulation Center develops, produces and evaluates curricula for faculty development using simulation and simulation tools. In working with the Dean of the Medical College, specifically the senior Associate Dean for CME, Karen Novielli MD and with our Director of Professional Development, Joseph Majdan, MD, the Rector CSSC team has developed, supported, and evolved many simulation-based teaching and evaluation programs that cover the scope of the clinical core competencies delineated by the ACGME.
Key Points in Faculty Development Simulation Curriculum
- The Rector CSSC is committed to developing and fostering programs to support and train faculty in the use of simulation in clinical skills teaching and assessment
- One of our core missions is to inspire teachers to use simulation in teaching in innovative and progressive ways
- We have developed several faculty development and physician-in practice programs here at the center.
Examples of Faculty Development Programs
- Workshop on use of Simulation for Physicians from the Jefferson Affiliated Hospitals. Half day workshop that allows clinicians from our affiliated hospitals to have “hands-on” interaction with the tools here at the Rector CSSC. We allow them to experience and then begin to use programs with human simulation, multimedia simulation (including JEFF PLAYERS), and the low and high-fidelity simulation equipment including ultrasound equipment, laparoscopic simulators, endoscopic simulators and Sim-man, located at the Rector CSSC. Approximately 45 faculty in 2008 and in 2009 have attended. The mechanism to access the Rector CSSC for program development and for individual practice sessions is given to them. Many have used this access.
- Remediation and Professional Development Programs for practicing physicians. Under the leadership and vision our full time Rector CSSC faculty member, Joseph Majdan, MD (Director of Professional Development) we have developed, and are implementing and evolving programs for retooling and remediating skills set deficits in practicing physicians. We have developed the Physician Clinical Assessment Program (PCAP) for practicing physicians who have potential remediation needs. This uses the full resources of the Center including faculty, curriculum development, human simulation, evaluation, multimedia and manikin simulation. The program, which is entirely run in the Rector CSSC, currently involves several physicians as learners.
- Conflict Resolution Program in the Emergency Department. With the Rector CSSC, Alan Forstater, a faculty member in the Jefferson Emergency Medicine Department developed, four cases based upon real-life conflicts in the Emergency Department. Screenplays were written, cases were cast using the JEFF PLAYERS group and two video clips were produced. These were then integrated into a curriculum for teaching conflict resolution in an Interdisciplinary manner with RN, NA, MD, attending physicians, techs, security guards, and secretaries all in attendance in these small group teaching sessions. Tim Brigham helped in the development of this Faculty Development and interdisciplinary curriculum.
- High fidelity simulator training: The Rector CSSC has scheduled programs for training and use of the high fidelity simulation models for faculty across the Colleges at the University. These include NOELLE, SIM-MAN and Harvey.