Recent CABE News


The College of Architecture and the Built Environment was the guest of honor at the ACE (Architecture, Construction and Engineering) Mentor Program of Greater Philadelphia’s 21st annual scholarship breakfast. There, numerous awards were bestowed upon the college.

Bachelor of Landscape Architecture students on a site visit

The professional Bachelor of Landscape Architecture program has carved a distinctive niche among the Philadelphia region’s several landscape architecture programs leading to the Landscape Architectural Accreditation Board (LAAB) to renew the program’s accreditation for another six years. 

Severino Alfonso and Loukia Tsafoulia of the College of Architecture & the Built Environment’s Synesthetic Research and Design Lab

Synesthesia is a perceptual phenomenon which occurs in the human brain where physical connections between neurons intertwine. This phenomenon — which evokes a sense of place by combining sight, sensation, movement, touch, memory, and perception — is the focus of a multisensory, interactive installation project which aims to capture these experiences. 

Suzanne Singletary

An architectural historian shares her research on the challenges of preserving America’s cities.


HOK, a global design, architecture, engineering and planning firm, recently hosted the sixth annual HOK Futures Design Challenge for architecture and interior design students from the Philadelphia region. The competition gives student teams two weeks to create their design solution on a provided site. This year, two masters in interior architecture students – Angela Nekoranki and Elizabeth Kane – took home second place for their “Sip Winery” design in the Manayunk neighborhood.