News & Events

Honoring Professor Suzanna Barucco: James Biddle Award for Lifetime Achievement

In recognition of her outstanding contribution to the field of historic preservation, Professor Suzanna Barucco has been awarded the prestigious James Biddle Award for lifetime achievement by the Preservation Alliance for Greater Philadelphia. This accolade underscores her remarkable career and enduring impact on academia, preservation practice, and interdisciplinary research.

Dr. Suzanne Singletary: A Legacy of Preservation and Scholarship

Dr. Suzanne Singletary, a distinguished scholar and educator and professor in the College of Architecture & the Built Environment, marks an impressive milestone. Her unwavering commitment to academia, preservation, and interdisciplinary research has left an indelible mark on the institution and the field of historic preservation.

Jefferson Makes Room for Modernism

Move over mansard roofs and crown molding. Folded plates and waffle slab are coming to a classroom near you.

A New University Center Celebrates — and Studies — Modernism

Whether exploring the landmark-rich streets of Philadelphia, the Bauhaus Building in Dessau, Germany, or the Giuseppe Terragni Archive in Como, Italy, students at Jefferson are about to receive a thoroughly modern education.