MS in Sustainable Design

Program Information

Name: Robert Fryer, RA, LEED AP, BD&C, NCI
Position: Program Director & Professor
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Media Coverage

As one of the first universities to have a program of this kind, the MS in Sustainable Design program is consistently in the media and our students and faculty are looked to as experts in this burgeoning field.

Design Education for a Sustainable Future

Former MSSD Faculty member and Director, Rob Fleming, published a book on Sustainable Design Education.

Rob Fleming, former Sustainable Design Program Director and one of the co-founders of the Engineering and Design Institute at Philadelphia University, was recently featured on the cover of Grid Magazine discussing the department's signature approach to sustainable design.

Recent Highlighted Appearances

Our Faculty have appeared on local radio and television stations and in various print and online publications. In addition to our external media coverage, three of our faculty members, Rob Fleming, Chris Pastore and Rob Fryer, run an award-winning weekly podcast discussing hot sustainability topics with experts, faculty and students.


  • Ecoman and the Skeptic: full episodes from all 5 seasons since (January 2009-present).

