Allow a budget to purchase and subscribe to the minimum software needed for courses. Special required software should be listed on Banner when students enroll in a course. Courses may have specific purchasing instructions on a per course basis. Prices below are provided as a budget estimation.
Studio-Based Major/Program: Architecture, Architectural Studies, Interior Design/Interior Architecture, Geodesign, Landscape Architecture, Sustainable Design, Urban Design
Rhinoceros 7
You can download for free a 90 day trial version to start the semester. You will be using this software throughout your studies (and professionally) so we suggest that you buy it:
$175 one time purchase (This rate is available through the East Falls Campus Bookstore which will be cheaper than online)
Adobe Creative Cloud
Thanks to Thomas Jefferson University's partnership with Adobe, all Jefferson students, faculty, and staff have unlimited access to Adobe Creative Cloud for the duration of their relationship with the University. Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator is available through an educational license with Thomas Jefferson University, students can create a free Adobe ID account with Campus Key.
Autodesk software
Autodesk software (Revit, 3DSMax, AutoCAD, etc.) is available for free to students as educational copies by creating an account through Autodesk Education using students' ".edu" university email address:
This rendering software is available for free to students as educational license:
This rendering software is available for free to students as educational license.
Additional free software and plugins such as Grasshopper3D are required for specific classes and download instructions will be provided by course instructors.
Non-studio-Based Major/Program: Construction Management, Real Estate Development, Historic Preservation
Autodesk software
Autodesk software (Revit, 3DSMax, AutoCAD, etc.) is available for free to students as educational copies by creating an account through Autodesk Education using students' ".edu" university email address:
Adobe Creative Cloud
Thanks to Jefferson University's partnership with Adobe, all Jefferson students, faculty, and staff have unlimited access to Adobe Creative Cloud for the duration of their relationship with the University. Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator is available through an educational license with TJU, students can create a free Adobe ID account with Campus Key.